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但我们可以追回来。But we can claw it back.

爪强而有力,善掘洞。Claw is strong, good earth.

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你帮我,我帮你。投之以桃,报之以李。Claw me and I'll claw thee.

母鸡的脚爪有三个脚趾。A hen's claw has three toes.

每个指头的末端都长有锐利的爪子。Each finger ends with a sharp claw.

有点可怕的煮鳄鱼爪?A rather gruesome stewed crocodile claw?

齿爪与锤片的更换。Three, tooth and claw hammer of replacement.

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我不会成为另一个没有思想的猫爪。I'll not become another wisp-headed cat's claw.

是去是留,谁去谁留,都由爪子决定。The claw decides who will stay and who will go.

在另一只鹰爪里紧握着箭。The eagle is clasping arrows in its other claw.

狮子锋利的爪子对着老狼的脑袋狠狠地击了一掌。The lion's sharp claw hit the wolf's head hard.

留下的爪印,源自大型猫科动物,很可能是一只美洲狮。Claw marks, from a big cat, most likely a cougar.

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那么,您也许想用手拔钉锤。Well, you'll probably want to use the claw hammer.

已有10名士兵在黑豹利爪行动中死亡。Ten soldiers have died in Operation Panther's Claw.

无赖的卢卡斯-血爪队长升级。Lukas the Trickster- Apparently a Blood Claw upgrade.

剪刀及拔钉鎚即属于此类槓杆。Scissors and claw hammer that belongs to such leverage.

束缚着双爪和翅膀的白色胶布。Tie up the white plastic cloth of double claw and wing.

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毫无疑问,他身上最可怕的部分就是其铁爪。Undoubtedly the grimmest part of him was his iron claw.

龙爪是元素使主手匕首技能。Dragon's Claw is an elementalist main-hand dagger skill.

一只龙虾举起自己的锤爪,像个死刑犯似的挣扎着。One lobster lifts a crusher claw for a stay of execution.