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我们可以用氩离子。We could use argon ion.

氩是单原子气体。Argon is a monatomic gas.

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氦和氩都是单原子气体。Helium and argon are monatomic gases.

氯离子,与氩的电子数相同。Chloride minus. Isoelectronic with argon.

另外就是一些稀有气体比如氩。The others are noble gases such as Argon.

记住,氩没有警告性特征!Remember, argon has no warning properties!

其中,涂膜结合氩气MAP对樱桃的保鲜效果最佳。The effect of argon MAP with coating is the best.

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铝合金气焊、氩弧焊用。Gas welding and argon arc welding of pure aluminum.

吹入氩气能增加夹杂物的去除率。Argon bubbling increases the inclusion removal rate.

如果我们采用更多的原氩流,结果会怎样。What is the impact if we take more crude argon flow?

轮船沉没以后,想打捞出其氩气是不可能的。After the ship sank, salvage of its argon was impossible.

铜合金氩弧焊及钢的堆焊用。Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel.

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在火星上,氩36相对于氩38的比率也有类似的短少情形。On Mars, argon 36 is similarly depleted relative to argon 38.

因此,现已很少单独使用纯氩气进行等离子切割。Therefore, is now rarely used alone pure argon plasma cutting on.

净化的氩以液态形式储存在现场的储存罐。Purified argon is stored as a liquid in storage tanks at the site.

本机自身具有简易氩弧焊的功能。The welding machine itself have simple argon arc welding function.

氩的来自原子核的吸引力,是多少呢?What is the pull from the nucleus from argon going to be equal to?

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本品应充氩气密封于阴凉干燥处避光保存。This product should be sealed in argon cool dry place away from light.

氮的影响则可以通过用氩气包覆火焰而予以克服。The effect of nitrogen can be overcome by sheathing the flame in argon.

答案可能是铝,硅,磷,硫,氯或者氩。It could be aluminum, silicone, phosphorous, sulfur, c hlorine or argon.