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一个球劈脸向她打来。A ball came hurtling towards her face.

一列电车正沿著轨道急驶。A trolley is hurtling down the tracks.

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一辆失控的汽车朝我们飞驰而来。A runaway car came hurtling towards us.

屋顶的瓦片被大风刮了下来。During the gale roof tiles came hurtling down.

目前,费舍女士案已经告到联邦最高法院。Now her case is hurtling toward the Supreme Court.

飞驰通过银河系,比太阳的速度还快。Hurtling through the galaxy, faster than a speeding sun.

那辆车朝我疾驰过来的时候,我想我死定了。This car came hurtling towards me and I thought my number was up.

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中国突然介入并迅速使美国军队溃退回南朝鲜半岛。China suddenly intervened and sent U. S. forces hurtling back down the peninsula.

就在此刻,一辆开往闹市的电车风驰电掣而来,铃声震耳。At that second a trolley came hurtling by, heading downtown, its bell clanging loud.

相反地,它转向恩布鲁,一阵扭打后,把他扔到地上。In fact, it turned on Mbulu, grappled with him, and sent his hurtling to the ground.

想一想古巴导弹危机或一个大的流星撞击我们的地球。Think about the Cuban Missile Crisis or a massive meteor hurtling toward our planet.

所有迹象表明,我们的星球仍在迅速地奔向气候大灾难。All signs suggest that the planet is still hurtling headlong toward climatic disaster.

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一个镜头飞驰机构和无序和武器,滑移和滑动像人类雪橇。A scene of hurtling bodies and flailing and arms, slipping and sliding like human sleighs.

无数流星将以每秒71公里的速度划破长空。Countle meteoroids will be sent hurtling into the Earth's atmo here at 71 kilometres a second.

像战警传奇中的两个骑士我们飞速在暮色中骑行,用25分钟就赶到了旅馆。We made it in 25 minutes, hurtling through the gloaming like the Two Cyclists of the Apocalypse.

无数流星将以每秒71公里的速度划破长空。Countless meteoroids will be sent hurtling into the Earth's atmosphere at 71 kilometres a second.

申请专利未满一年,TR-55成批投入生产线。Less than a year after they applied for a patent, the TR-55 came hurtling down the assembly line.

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我们沿着公路出发,顺风而行,以每小时32公里的速度骑车飞驰。We take off down the road, pushed along by a tailwind so we are hurtling at 32 kilometers per hour.

上海要成为中国经济的火车头,带领中国奔向新千年。Shanghai was to become tile economic engine-room which would send China hurtling into the new millennium.

当您看到火山喷发时喷涌而出的白色浪云时,云朵中大部分是水蒸气。When volcanoes erupt and you see a white billowing cloud hurtling to the sky, much of that is water vapor.