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罗克沦陷的那天?。The day La Roque falls?

士兵们用炮火攻下城堡。Castle La Roque awaits its soldiers.

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对于罗克的和我这真是难忘的一天。It's a great day for Roque and for me.

在上周卖掉罗克-圣克鲁兹和马特-德比希尔只有阿勒代斯大约有1300万英镑的转会资金。Allardyce has around �13million to spend after selling Roque Santa Cruz and Matt Derbyshire this week.

两次前美洲杯冠军巴拉圭队则期待前锋罗克·圣克鲁斯伤愈后的回归。Twice former champions Paraguay hope to welcome back striker Roque Santa Cruz after yet another injury.

本尼跑动范围大,喜欢参与组织进攻,罗克接应长传,给我们提供空中威胁。Benni likes to come off and get involved in the build-up and Roque goes long and gives us an aerial threat.

与此同时,形同梦游的是韦恩·布里奇、斯蒂芬·爱尔兰、罗比尼奥、罗克·圣克鲁斯和克雷格·贝拉米。Out in the cold, meanwhile, are Wayne Bridge, Stephen Ireland, Robinho, Roque Santa Cruz and Craig Bellamy.

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所有我的前锋都可以以不同组合搭档,罗克和本尼肯定有这个能力。All my strikers can play together in different combinations and Roque and Benni certainly have that capacity.

为了加速审理程序,罗克计划建议将被告人数减少之35名主要犯案嫌疑人。To speed up the process, Roque is planning to propose shortening the list of defendants to 35 prime suspects.

南美最早的大坝之一普里梅罗河圣罗克水坝就建在这里,为该市的工业发展提供了充足的电力和水源。San Roque dam was constructed here in the city's industrial development has provided adequate power and water.

同时利物浦官方已经宣布预备队的胡特、安特维、罗克和马克凯-史蒂芬已经离队。Meanwhile, the Reds have announced that youngsters Ronald Huth, Godwin Antwi, Miki Roque and Gary MacKay Steven have been released.

罗克说,现在,每一件凶杀案和每一名被告犯案的证据,已经提交出来,作为法官判决有罪与否的参考。Roque says right now evidence is being presented in each murder, for each defendant before the judge can decide innocence or guilt.

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休斯还对另外两名曼城球员,中场斯蒂芬·爱尔兰和前锋圣克鲁兹很感兴趣。Hughes is also interested in another two of his former City players, the midfielder Stephen Ireland and the striker Roque Santa Cruz.

圣克鲁斯替补出场,在65分钟攻入一球稳固了球队的领先优势,此前桑德兰后卫自摆乌龙。Roque Santa Cruz returned with a bang, scoring in the 65th minute after coming on as a sub before a Sunderland own-goal doubled the Rovers lead.

租借到布莱克本的射手圣克鲁斯渴望本赛季结束后通过永久转会的方式继续呆在埃伍德公园球场。On-loan Blackburn Rovers striker Roque Santa Cruz is keen to extend his stay at Ewood Park at the end of the season by making his move permanent.

圣克鲁斯危险得就象没牙的母老虎,速度快得像爆了胎的菲亚特,意志坚强得像被石头砸了的蚯蚓。Roque Santa Cruz. Dangerous like a toothless tigress, pacy like a Fiat Punto with flat tyres, strong-willed and powerful like a stoned earthworm.

第一次,曼城拥有五名正式在册的中锋-圣克鲁斯、贝拉米、特维斯、阿德巴约和本贾尼。For the record, City have assembled five centre-forwards – Roque Santa Cruz, Craig Bellamy, Carlos Tevez, Emmanuel Adebayor and Benjani Mwaruwari.

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曼城队准备在一月份对前锋线进行调整,卖掉圣克鲁斯和阿德巴约,着力引进波黑射手哲科。Manchester City want to change their striking options in January with Roque Santa Cruz and Emmanuel Adebayor set to leave and Bosnian Edin Dzeko their top target.

富勒姆和阿斯顿维拉是红军争夺西塞的潜在对手。此外,如果无法从曼城重新签回洛克·圣克鲁斯,布莱克本也有可能介入到西塞的转会谈判。Strugglers Fulham and Aston Villa could rival the Reds for Cisse, and Blackburn may also enter into talks if they fail to re-sign Manchester City's Roque Santa Cruz.

本站赛事总部位于阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯北面的卡洛斯帕兹山庄,这是一个位于壮观的圣罗克湖湖畔的城镇,该湖泊则位于科尔多瓦城西面的布涅拉峡谷。Based in Villa Carlos Paz north of the capital Buenos Aires, the town lies on the banks of the spectacular San Roque Lake in the south of the Punilla Valley west of the city of Cordoba.