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形势的竟争性是显而易见的。The competitive nature of the situation was palpable.

脾尖可以在左肋缘处触知。The spleen tip was palpable at the left costal margin.

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儿童表现为无症状的可触及的腹部肿块。Children present with an asymptomatic palpable flank mass.

12周时可在耻骨联合上触及宫底。At 12 weeks the fundus becomes palpable at the symphysis pubis.

一股刺鼻的气味在空气中弥漫,夹杂着触摸得到的不安。An acrid sting lingered in the air, along with a palpable anxiety.

随即缅军和和平委员会部队之间已经进入紧张局势。Following which tension is palpable between the Burmese Army and KPC.

就建筑而言,这一理念的确实性是极其明了的。In terms of architecture, the tangibility of this concept is palpable.

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另外一个问题就是许多大陆游客方面明显存在的小心谨慎。The other problem is a palpable wariness on the part of many mainlanders.

但他所具备的,是激情,精力,以及强烈的解危济困的愿望。But he had passion and energy and a palpable desire to comfort the afflicted.

理学检查在右耳前摸到一个结节。Physical examination revealed a palpable nodule in the right preauricular area.

主要用于扪皮工艺,如真皮沙发、转椅、餐台椅等。Mainly used for palpable Paper crafts, such as leather sofa, chair, table chairs.

我们看得见我们勘探的事物,我们的思想沿着层次分明的原因和结果逐步往上探索。We see what we explore, our minds ascend a palpable ladder of causes and effects.

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这个地区明显贫困,水坝项目可能给它带来一定程度的繁荣。The projects could bring some prosperity to a region where the poverty is palpable.

最常见的体征和症状是声音嘶哑和可触及的下颌下肿块。The most common signs and symptoms are hoarseness and a palpable submandibular mass.

我爱她表现索尼娅和她之间的化学成分和特德克尔显而易见。I loved her performance as Sonia, and the chemistry between her and Dekker is palpable.

活跃的重力,像风、火和冰一样显而易见。A fierce gravity energizes Norway, a force that seems as palpable as wind or fire or ice.

所有的神灵,像地方守护神,都具体可触的存在于自然界。All spirits, like the genius loci, are physical, palpable presences in the natural world.

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“这等于是宣告了芬克尔斯坦学派的末日来临,”埃拉特·玛扎尔说,口气中带着明显的满足感。As Eilat Mazar says with palpable satisfaction, "This is the end of Finkelstein's school."

他们只对起到陌生化效果的,使语言粗糙化的形式在意。It has to do particularly with the palpable or roughened form of that which defamiliarizes.

范德维奇从来都没有想执教球队,他的矛盾心态是很明显的。The professorial Vandeweghe never wanted to coach the team, and his ambivalence is palpable.