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厄玛向我们致了欢迎词。Irma made an address of welcome to us.

阿诺德意味深长地看了艾尔玛一眼。Arnold directed a meaningful look at Irma.

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我的母亲厄玛希尔也是农民,并是家庭主妇。My mother's name is Irma Hill. She is also a farmer and a housewife.

比利时109岁的人瑞老寿星,周二在布鲁塞尔庆祝自己的生日。Irma Noteboom, the oldest Belgian citizen, celebrates her 109th birthday in Brussels on Thursday.

只有26天大的迪玛是一只苏门答腊虎宝宝,它和5个月大的雌猩猩厄玛相拥在一起。Dema the 26-day-old endangered Sumatran Tiger cub cuddles up to 5-month-old female Orangutan, Irma.

1944年9月一个决定命运的日子里,艾尔玛·拉普拉斯为使自己的儿子免遭皮肉之苦背叛了比利时抵抗纳粹组织。On a fateful day in september1944 irma laplasse betrayed the belgian resistance to save her son's skin.

我们这些孩子去玩耍时也许是吵吵嚷嚷的,可一当爱玛坐下来开始给我们讲故事时,我们就聚精会神专心倾听。We kids probably make a lot of noise when we are playing, but we are all ears when Irma sits down and begins to read to us.

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一战时,艾尔玛·拉普拉斯的丈夫亨利,就在奥斯特敦克尔克城南面的比利时前线部队服役。Irma Laplasse's husband, Henry, served with the Belgian forces on the front line just south of Oostduinkerke in the First World War.

克莱默在奥斯维辛和贝尔森采取自己的暴政,与艾尔玛·格瑞斯一起,他冷血的对待他的囚犯。Kramer adopted his own draconian policies at Auschwitz and Belsen and, along with Irma Grese, he terrorized his prisoners without remorse.

艾利由西亚·D·露德·伊玛和白娅·杜·罗德·赫尔梅尼姆是对“魂”发送到捕获的煞气让松在人类世界的死神。Elucia de lute Irma and Haqua du lot Herminium are a pair of shinigami sent by 'New Hell' to capture the evil spirits let loose in the human world.

有可能在艾尔玛死后定她无罪。对此,奥斯特敦克尔克城的村民和比利时当权机构团结一致,准备应付这一不利局面。The villagers of Oostduinkerke and the Belgian establishment braced themselves for the possibility that Irma Laplasse might be found not guilty posthumously.

首先它使她摆脱了在异国他乡工作时的不安全感,并且暗地里使她变得性感,把她变成了90年代的伊尔玛。Firstly, it enables the actress to shake off the insecurities caused by working in a foreign country and to behave in the stealthily sexy manner that is expected of a 1990s incarnation of Irma Vep.