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什么发生在发生冲突时,优先?What takes precedence in a case of conflict?

将给予放射学诊断以优先。Radiologic diagnosis will be given precedence.

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为防止冲突,您应该确定优先权。You determine precedence in the case of conflicts.

这是最低优先级用户名和密码。This is the lowest precedence username and password.

这是最高优先级的用户名和密码。This is the highest precedence username and password.

画面常常僭越观点。Very often the picture takes precedence over the point.

评价“PHP算符优先”未定义的顺序?PHP operator precedence "Undefined order of evaluation"?

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这种现象是渗铬试样具有特殊钝性的反映。A precedence phenomenon was observed in all chromized layer.

控制物价应给以优先考虑。Control of prices takes precedence over other consideration.

是否真的有比前缀,后缀式操作符的优先级更高?Does Postfix operator really has a higher precedence than prefix?

你们对一个东西总是拿来就用,从不顾忌其来源和后果。You give precedence to the use of a thing rather than its source.

而且,创业为那些给自己工作的人赢得了一些优先权。And that sets a bit of precedence for people working on their own.

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条件运算符的优先级比按位运算符的优先级低。The conditional operator has lower precedence than bitwise operators.

标识符大小写规则优先于首字母缩写词大小写规则。The identifier casing rules take precedence over acronym casing rules.

这个环境变量指定的名称具有更高的优先级。The name specified by this environment variable has higher precedence.

社群主义认为,社群才具有对个人的优先地位。Communalism holds that social community has precedence over individuals.

这样可以同时覆写优先顺序和左顺序关联性。This can override both the order of precedence and the left associativity.

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结合性规定了具有相同优先级的运算符如何进行分组。Associativity specifies how to group operators at the same precedence level.

解引用操作符的优先级比加法操作符高。The dereference operator has a higher precedence than the addition operator.

他们把重建和修理房子看得比购买新服饰和喜欢的食品更为重要。Renovation and repair of houses takes precedence over new finery and fancy food.