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事实上是可以的。In fact it is.

接受这个事实。Accept this fact.

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发给这个实例一些消息。In fact let's do it.

这是明摆着的事实。It is an obvious fact.

这是一个无疑的事实。It is an absolute fact.

事实上,他是完全清醒的。He is in fact wide-awake.

就是看它会不会改变。The fact that it changes.

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一件事实是一条没有性别的真理。A fact is a truth unsexed.

他力言坚持这事实。He persevered in the fact.

告诉大家一个历史事实。Here is a historical fact.

实际情况是我明天就要去北京。A. as a matter of fact adv.

我没有隐瞒事实。I did not conceal the fact.

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莫丽的确失踪了。Mollie in fact was missing.

但我们保证这是事实。Yet we assure of this fact.

但是它就是事实的陈述。But it's a statement of fact.

我总是向这些人提出一个事实。I always offer them one fact.

实际上我只是一个"茶博士"。In fact I am a Doctor of Tea.

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心中对事实感到惊讶。The mind boggles at the fact.

你就可以了解到这样一个事实。You can know that for a fact.

别将事实与虚构混为一谈。Don't braid fact with fiction.