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以因陀罗在喧哗的战斗。To Indra in the tumult of battle.

和固体这个庞大的地球,看守因陀罗。And solid is this vast Earth, guarded by Indra.

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现在,你将扮演英迪拉德赛的角色。You as a role-player will pay the part of Indra Desai.

因陀罗和美丽的因陀拉尼管理着他们的天堂。Indra and the beautiful Indrani presided over their paradise.

但是因陀罗不喜欢看到Satya-tapa的纯粹和崇高。But Indra was displeased to see Satya-tapa's purity and elevation.

因陀罗选择'剥夺'了他们的翅膀的帮助下,金刚。Indra chose to 'divest' them of their wings with the help of Vajra.

因陀罗收下了花环,但把它放置在大象的前额上。Indra took the garland, but placed it on the forehead of his elephant.

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英德拉·努伊于1994年加入百事可乐,并于2001年被任命为总裁兼首席财务官。Indra Nooyi joined PepsiCo in 1994 and was named president and CFO in 2001.

因陀罗摧毁了维他的九十九座城堡,然后与维他交手。Indra smashed through Vritra ninety-nine fortresses, and then came upon the dragon.

一天,天神之王因陀罗乘着一头大象来到一位圣人上面。One day, the King of the Devas, Indra was riding his elephant when he came upon a sage.

同一时间在印度神话中,暴风之神,取代前一位统治者Dyaus的地位。Indra In India, the storm god Indra about this time assumes the place of a previous god, Dyaus.

他担心这位强有力的圣哲有一天会篡夺天帝的位置。Indra worried that this powerful sage would one day want to usurp the position of king of heaven.

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愤怒的圣人给予因陀罗一道咒语,他和天神开始失去所有的能量和力量。The angry sage gave Indra a curse that he and the Devas would begin to lose all their energy and power.

而高踞于这个有28.5万名员工的庞然大物最顶端的人是卢英德,百事的总裁及首席执行官。At the top of this mammoth company which employs 285,000 people is Indra Nooyi, its chairman and chief executive.

每年,佛教徒和印度教徒庆祝因陀罗节,演绎传统和宗教故事。Every year, Buddhists and Hindus celebrate the Indra Jatra festival, bringing tradition and religious stories to life.

英德拉公司还额外提供航空过境控制系统,基于英德拉之前向乌拉圭提供的二次和主2D雷达系统。They also complement air transit control systems based on secondary and primary 2D radars previously supplied by Indra.

虽然在俄罗斯打开了新的装瓶厂外的莫斯科,百事公司董事长兼首席执行官英德拉?While in Russia to open a new bottling plant outside of Moscow, PepsiCo chairman and CEO Indra Nooyi made the announcement.

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然而,财富继续祈祷,并感谢因陀罗是赢得财富的马,牛,和他的黄金战车。However, the prayers for riches continue, and Indra is thanked for winning wealth in horses, cattle, and gold by his chariot.

泰利斯公司面对来自BAE系统公司、Indra公司和Selex公司的竞争,而洛克希德马丁公司是其在阿根廷的竞争对手。Thales faces competition from BAE Systems, Indra and Selex, while Lockheed Martin is a contender for the Argentinean contest.

安吉拉默克尔索尼亚甘地和克里斯蒂娜是因为利用了性魅力而变成了政治和商界的领导吗?Did the likes of Angela Merkel, Indra Nooyi, Sonia Gandhi and Christine Lagarde use their sex appeal to become leaders in politics and business?