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所以月亮已经被非正式的被洗礼了。So the moon has been informally christened.

他们受到不拘礼节的欢迎。They were received without ceremony, ie informally.

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团队成员是否可以有规律或者无规律的聚会?Can team members meet regularly, formally, or informally?

公司聚会上,老板和员工闲话家常。At the office party, the boss spoke informally with the staff.

最初的听证会通常是非正式的,无需开庭。Initial hearings are often conducted informally rather than in court.

今年你有没有为自己定下过职业目标,无论是正式的还是非正式的?Did you set any goals for your career this year -- formally or informally?

我想正式地描述一下我之前随口说的事So I want to be formal about these things i've been mentioning informally.

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今天,她简单转述了许多其他以前劫持者的观点。Today, she informally represents the views of many of the former hostage-takers.

也会教你如何结束陈述,无论是正式地还是非正式地。And, we’ll show you how to finish up your argument, either formally or informally.

除了练习和音乐会,合唱团有时也在当地聚会地点做非正式的演唱。Outside of practices and concerts, choirs may sing informally at local gathering spots.

大多数成员既无土地也没工作,通常被非正式的禁止进入村镇。They are mostly jobless and landless, and they are often informally barred from villages.

立体式互联磁带已经非正式地录制了团体通灵会议和工场期间对话。Cloverleaf 's tapes have been informally recorded during group channeling sessions or workshops.

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我强烈建议大家建立一些学习小组,正式的或非正式的都可以And one thing I would strongly suggest is to form some sort of study groups, either formally or informally.

实际上,这种情形通常叫做“移民延迟疾病”,因为它限制旅行的倾向。In fact, the condition was informally called "immigration delay disease" because of its tendency to limit travel.

但是,目前我们还没有作出决定是否要正式或非正式地要求他们进一步减少外交工作人员。But at this point we have not made a decision to formally ask them, or informally ask them, to reduce staff further.

举例来讲,美国马里兰州的龙虾工人对他们工作的地区进行非正式的监管,限制人们的进入。Lobstermen in Maine, for example, have come to informally regulate, and restrict entry to, the areas where they work.

无拘无束、开诚布公不就意味着一吐为快而不必担心影响自己的事业前途吗?What else does talking frankly and informally mean but an invitation to unload opinions without any career consequence ?

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在本章开头,一个类型上的运算被非正式地划分为创建符,查询和命令。The operations on a type were classified informally at the beginning of this chapter into creators, queries and commands.

希拉里尽管不想被看做干扰他国国内选举,但还是在欧洲的一次非正式场合谈到这个问题。Clinton, while anxious not be seen to be interfering in a domestic election, has discussed the issue informally in Europe.

过去,和平队志愿者们非正式地与国际青年体育联盟在亚美尼亚、危地马拉及摩洛哥等国合作开展体育项目。In the past, Peace Corps volunteers have worked informally with IAYS on sports programs in Armenia, Guatemala and Morocco.