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培训人员,注意过敏源。To train personnel in allergen awareness.

目的检测尘螨变应原的稳定性。Objective To detect the stability of the mite allergen.

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变应原浸液内含18种常见吸入性过敏原。There were 18 inhalational allergens in allergen steep.

尘螨可能是诱发和加重该病的变应原。Mite may be the allergen that induces and aggravates the disease.

方法对153例AD患儿进行了变应原皮试。Methods 153 children with AD were given intradermal allergen tests.

一种耐热过敏原会导致芹菜-艾蒿敏感症。A thermostable allergen is involved in celery -mug wort-allergic patients.

方法应用变应原皮肤点刺试验对5种常见的瘙痒性皮肤病进行检测。Methods To test 5 common kinds of itch Dermatoses by allergen Skin Prick Test.

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看,这就是抗体的作用,它们在那里杀死细菌,杀死病毒,或者,它们可能会对过敏原作出反应。They are there to kill germs, kill viruses. Or,they might react to an allergen.

经规范化无菌处理后的新鲜羊膜,一般不具有变应原性,不会引起I型超敏反应。Fresh HAM won't lead to type I hypersensitivity for lack of allergen performance.

认为以蛋白质含量作为衡量变应原浸液强度的标准较为合理。The protein content was regarded as the standard of the potency of allergen extracts.

尘蜡、屋尘,鱼是北方地区AD患者最常见的变应原。Mites, house dust and fish were most commonly seen allergen in AD from Northern China.

一旦接触到过敏原,这种反应会被立即激发,并且,过敏原不消失,反应也不会消失。The reaction is immediate upon exposure and may last as long as the allergen is present.

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变应原筛查阳性率依次为艾蒿、法桐、藜草、葎草、禾本科。The seriations of allergen screening were mugwort, firmina humulus, chenopodium and gramineae.

用变应原浸液皮内注射,对234例变应性鼻炎患者进行皮试。Using intradermic injection of allergen. skin tests were made in 234 cases of allergic rhinitis.

在皮肤的过敏原处刺一下或做一个放射变应性吸附测验,都能很好的消除过敏症。A prick-test of the allergen on your skin or a RAST blood test may be useful to eliminate allergies.

关于插入新基因对于土豆过敏原的效应的信息几乎没有。Little information is available on the effects of inserting the new gene on potato allergen content.

接下来,通常的情况就是过敏原和免疫系统之间越来越剑拔弩张,于是冲突升级。Often the allergen and the immune system become increasingly antagonistic, and the reaction worsens.

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目的探讨变应原皮肤点刺试验和CAP过筛检测在儿童哮喘中的应用价值。To approach the value of allergen skin prick test and CAP sieving detection in children with asthma.

而第二次接触很可能已经是几个月之后,就有一些抗原和肥大细胞上的IgE抗体结合了。With a second exposure, even months later, some of the allergen binds with the IgE on the mast cell.

近期美国生物科技公司先锋公司培育了一种去除主要过敏原的转基因大豆。More recently the US biotech company Pioneer has developed a GM soybean with a major allergen deleted.