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要看风吹动的芦苇吗。A reed shaken with the wind?

你刚才说的话令我十分震惊!What you said has shaken me up!

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忆想起那一簇长发簌簌抖开When looking on their shaken hair

宝莱坞的造梦者们被震惊了。Bollywood dream-makers are shaken.

这个靠垫需要拍松了。The cushion needs to be shaken up.

无论是皇家空军的轰炸机或是鱼雷艇都还没能威胁到她。bomb or torpedo had yet shaken her.

他与比利·麦默恩握了手。He had shaken the hand of Billy McMahan.

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那个学生被他母亲申斥了一顿。The student was shaken up by his mother.

他看上去谠很受感动的样子,还有一点颤抖。He appeared quite moved and a bit shaken.

一摇晃树,坚果就纷纷落下来了。Nuts showered down when the tree was shaken.

摇摇晃晃但是一切还好,老人恢复了平衡。Shaken but ok, the man regained his balance.

这事曾深深地震动过我。These incidents haven shaken me to the core.

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轻声尖叫的花茎之间,潮湿的花丛抖动着Of their jostled stems, the wet shocks shaken

她没受伤,但是她被震动得很历害。She wasn't hurt. but she was badly shaken up.

一场强烈的地震使这城市受到振颤。The city was shaken by a terrible earthquake.

计划缩简为一次实验。The program was shaken down into an experiment.

那次惨败动摇了这支部队的士气。The terrible defeat has shaken the army morale.

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品牌一旦建立就不易撼动。Brands, once established, are not easily shaken.

他与考特兰·范·杜伊钦克握了手。He had shaken the hand of Cortlandt Van Duyckink.

这些眼泪从怀着忿怒之果的树上采下。These tears are shaken from the wrath-bearing tree.