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米诺斯蛇女神。Minoan Snake Goddess.

泊瑟芬是一个纯洁的女神。Posefen was a goddess.

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他把她当作女神崇拜。He adored her as a goddess.

我要如何奉养女神?。How may I serve the goddess?

雅典娜是智慧女神。Athene is the goddess of wisdom.

要看神女,请点击这里。Click here to watch "The Goddess".

这里就是爱神林。Here is the Goddess of Love Forest.

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唱出阿基利斯的愤怒吧,女神Sing Goddess the wrath of Achilles.

在马尔斯的胸脯上那女神叹伤。On breast of Mars the goddess sighed.

唱出阿基利斯的愤怒吧,女神“"Sing Goddess the wrath of Achilles."

巴比伦的生产女神。Babylonian-Akkadian fertility goddess.

埋葬在自由女神的身旁。Buried besides the Goddess of liberty.

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阿尔忒弥斯是狩猎女神。But Artemis is the Goddess of the Hunt.

这是印度教中的希吉拉女神。There is a Hindu goddess, hijra goddess.

突然,一声长啸惊醒了沉睡的女神。Suddenly, a whistle startled the goddess.

西院为元君庙。Western Institute for the Goddess Temple.

女神?流氓?可能是正在耍流氓的女神。Goddness?Rogue?Maybe a goddess is roguing.

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女神德米特照看大地。The goddess Demeter looked after the Earth.

所有活的东西是由他们的女神创造的。Their Goddess made up of all living things.

希腊神话中的爱神,美神,**之神。The Greek goddess of love, lust, and beauty.