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另外我想问,是否有赛前培训?I wonder wether there is a pre-training?

不知道有没有人伶听?Wether someone would be listening to us?

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我的父亲在考虑是否要杀死你。My father is deciding wether to kill you.

放牧强度影响羯羊体重。Herds the intensity influence wether body weight.

重要的还是和这个人在一起是否快乐吧!The importance is wether I am happy with this person!

她仍然拿不定主意是否要买那件昂贵的大衣。She is not sure about wether to buy the expensive coat.

我觉得他们在判断天气如何方面掌握了精密的技术。I think they get hold of the exact technique to judg the wether.

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能不能请您查一下是否有我的一笔寄自…的汇款?Could you find out wether there is a remittance for me from China?

新闻和天气预报是广播节目中的主要内容。News and wether forecast are the major part for broadcast programmes.

这个水平有否向下修订的空间,值得社会多加讨论。It worth further discussion wether this figure can be revise downwards.

这是一个关系到生死的问题,任何国家都不能忽视。It's an issue deciding wether to live or to death that any country can't ignore.

放学时,我到阿妹的班级问问她有没有看见我的钱包。After school, I went to Maxine's classroom to ask her wether my wallet is at home.

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无论这样的结论是否真实,又一次的赚钱钟声在不动产行业悄然响起。Wether or not thats true there is big buzz again about making money with real estate.

主体意识的强弱与是否得到高扬是文化独特性形成的主要因素。Wether the consciousness is strong or weak is the major factor of culture peculiarity.

可能还有不便公布的险恶境遇,普通相声爱好者就不得而知了。As a Xiangsheng lover, i am not sure wether there are unknown troubles happened to him.

找寻好点隐藏,检查,你的弹药和阉羊你的枪在半或全汽车上。Look for a good point to hide, check your ammo and wether your gun is on semi or full-auto.

找个好地方躲起来,上一下子弹,或者调节一下武器的单、连发。Look for a good point to hide, check your ammo and wether your gun is on semi or full-auto.

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我们每一个人都会在某一天死去,不管我们是否情愿,都要学习面对死亡。We all have to die someday and wether we like it or not it is something we all have to learn how to face.

检查复卷机四脚安装是否平稳,机体有无接地线。Check up wether the rewinder. s four feet is stable and the body of it is connected with ground electrode.

一般来说,写作是一种乐趣,或者酷刑取决于是否我有事情要写。Generally speaking, writing is a pleasure or a torture depends on wether I have something to write or not.