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我愿是您明月,疼爱地终止您苦闷的一天。And let me be Your moon, To mercifully end Your anguished day.

1978粗劣的最初版播出第一季之后就被砍了。The corny 1978 original mercifully died after a single season.

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沃尔泰拉是对吸血鬼是仁慈的开放——至少是此刻。Volterra was mercifully vampire free – for the moment at least.

或者这黑暗好意地把一幅像麦金托什家住宅那样的惨象给遮住了?Or did the darkness mercifully conceal such a horror as the MacIntosh house?

最后,他觉得困乏了,可还是喜孜孜的,终于很快就昏昏沉沉地睡着了。Finally, exhausted and exhilarated , he soon fell into a mercifully dreamless sleep.

有人带我看了有两张床的山洞,地上铺着东方的织花地毯,谢天谢地,是固定床位。I am shown to a two-bed cave with kilim carpets on the floor – and mercifully stationary beds.

他们很善解人意,意识到我没时间给他们签名,纷纷去找演员签。Mercifully they realize I've no time to give autographs, and so they ask only the cast members.

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意大利仁慈了第二次和第三次的话这句话并结合他们的形式代数。The Italians mercifully took the second and third words of this phrase and combined them to form algebra.

Ben在和一个仁慈且富有同情心的警官谈过一番后才停止了异想天开。Ben finally stopped hallucinating after about three days and a conversation with a mercifully sympathetic police officer.

当她渐渐远去——带着慈祥,没有忧伤,带着对照料她的感激——我们不住地说再见,吻她,点起了一根蜡烛。When she slipped away — mercifully free from distress, thanks to hospice care — we said more goodbyes, kissed her, lit a candle.

总共恐怕有超过一打的字母化方案,大部分都是晦涩难懂而理所应当地被大家忽略了。There are probably a dozen or more romanization schemes out there somewhere, most of them mercifully obscure and rightfully ignored.

同时,苏丹选举结果公布,大发慈悲没有冲突的恶性事件时有发生。Simultaneously, the results for the Sudanese elections are announced and mercifully no serious incidents of conflict have taken place.

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我们伟大的造物主对待他创造的生灵,甚至当他们身处绝境、濒临毁灭之际,也是多么仁慈啊!How mercifully can our great creator treat his creatures, even in those conditions in which they seemed to be overwhelmed in destruction.

当圣恩看到他没有兴趣接受教导时,在他可能作出任何更多的冒犯前仁慈地把他送走了。When His Divine Grace saw he had no interest in accepting instruction, he mercifully sent him away before he could commit any more offenses.

我们的关系在二十年前就已经和平的结束了,但在网上,我又一次成为了他精神层面上的评论家,拉拉队,以及红颜知己。Our relationship had mercifully ended over two decades ago, but online, once again, I was his phantom critic, his cheerleader and his confidant.

曼联的球迷依旧在高声歌唱着,不过不止是对不知疲倦的威尔士人又一次为曼联出战。Mercifully for United time is still waiting and the songs are not just for what the indefatigable Welshman has accomplished for the club in days gone by.

至少我们这节课用不上,看,这篇故事很短,过一段时间我们会针对它做一些很有趣的练习。We won't come back to it at least for the moment, but you see that it's mercifully short, and as time passes we will do some rather interesting tricks with it.

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荣格指出,事实上,这些艺术作品,显而易见是负面的,冷漠到令人惊骇,仁慈地客观,攻击我们对于感情的俗滥,我们腐浅烂情的状态。Jung points out that in fact these works of art, openly negative, appallingly insensitive, and mercifully objective, attack our profusion of feelings, our sentimental state.

好在这种疯狂的暴力相对在酒吧还比较少,但是不容否认的是最近几年暴力行为呈稳步上升的态势。Mercifully , this kind of maniacal violence is still comparatively rare in pubs. But there's no denying that there has been a steady increase in physical violence during recent years.

然而,这些古代游牧民族尚能考虑到动物福利,对取其生命作为食物感到同情,并设法做得慈悲些。And yet these ancient nomads chose to think about the welfare of animals, to feel empathy for the taking of their lives for food, and to find ways to do so as mercifully as they could.