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评价模型的逻辑性。The logicality of models on evaluation.

数学是一门逻辑性极强的学科。Mathematics is a subject with logicality.

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结构化学是一门具有极强数理性的理论化学学科。Structural Chemistry is a theoretical chemistry discipline with great mathematical logicality.

并通过实例证明设计上具有逻辑性、灵活性、系统性和简洁性等特点。The design is characterized by logicality , flexibility, systematization and succinctness by case analysis.

文章的结构是按科学思维的进程和科学思维的逻辑性安排的。The article is compact and well organized in accordance with the course and logicality of the scientific thinking.

数学是集严密性,逻辑性,精确性,创造性及想象力于一身的科学。Mathematics is a academic discipline integrating with strictness, logicality , accuracy, creativity and imagination.

重视整体性、脉络性、系统化,情境布置及动态学习。Value the importance of coherence, logicality , systematisation, classroom situational arrangement and dynamic learning.

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归纳推理的或然性、逻辑性、有效性与合理性的问题是归纳推理中比较重要而又容易混淆的问题。The problem concerning the probability, logicality , effectiveness and rationality is a comparatively important and easily confusing one.

组织和利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪的罪状具有高度的概括性与非严密逻辑性。Crime of sabotaging legal enforcement by organizing and using heretical religion is characterized by extreme generality and loose logicality.

数学直觉思维是否具有逻辑性?能否有意识地加以培养?本文对此作了分析和探讨。Does intuitional thought of mathematics have its logicality? Can it be fostered purposely? We analyse and approach these problems in this paper.

物理化学内容丰富,逻辑思维性很强,侧重于研究化学变化中更具有普遍性的、更本质的一般规律。It has abundant content and very strong logicality . It emphasizes particularly on researching more generalized and elemental law in chemical change.

欧洲文化是建立在神学和哲学之上的,因此,其文化的逻辑性不可避免的在家具上也有所体现。The Europe culture is establish theology and philosophy above, hence such culture logicality also displaies on the inevitable furniture being living somewhat.

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翻译的逻辑性是翻译的基础和出发点,但是不少译文却缺乏逻辑性,翻译的难点也正在于此。The logicality of translation is the base and starting point of translation. So many versions , however , lack logicality , which is just the difficult point.

教育是培养人的社会活动,人性论与教育观有着密切联系的内在逻辑性。Education is the social activity of fostering people. There is nearly inherence logicality between the treatise of human nature and the conception of education.

有创造力培养特色的地区在除时间逻辑性维度外的其他维度上均明显地高于无创造力培养特色的地区。The places with creativity training features was much higher obviously than the places without creativity training features on the all dimensionalities except time logicality.

因此,研究创造和设计的逻辑问题,以及藉由控制理论来探讨设计创造运思过程的模式,是本研究最主要的目的。Therefore, to research the issues about the creating and logicality of design, and to study the model of Design-Creating-Thinking by cybernetics, they are our principal purposes.

这一制度变迁过程有我国经济体制改革与金融体制改革的内在逻辑性,也有信用制度发展与融资制度演进的一般规律性。The process follows the intrinsic logicality of Chinese economy reform and finance reform, as well as the general rules of credit system development and financing system evolvement.

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随着时代的发展,对建筑功能的涵义的理解日趋完善,处理建筑空间和形式时注重空间内在的逻辑性。With the development of the times, the understanding of the building function connotation was becoming perfect. The intrinsic logicality of the building space would be paid attention to.

该模型采用三标度法间接地构造判断矩阵,简化了专家的判断难度,增强了判断矩阵的逻辑性。The three scale method is cited to construct the judgement matrices indirectly, which simplifies expert's judgement degree of difficulty, and increases the logicality of judgement matrices.

本文方法可以为大型飞机复杂供配电网络的设计和可靠性评估提供参考。This method has the advantage of strong logicality and universality, which may provide reference for the design and reliability evaluation of a complex large aircraft power distribution network.