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汗是一种排泄物。Sweat is an excretion.

汗从他的脸上滴下。The formation and excretion of sweat.

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酒精可以抑止尿酸的排泄。Alcohol can inhabit the excretion of uric acid.

帮助排出大肠和肾的产生的废物。Assists excretion of waste from bowel and kidneys.

丙磺舒可延缓本品经肾排泄。Probenecid can delay this for the renal excretion.

多饮水,以利尿酸排出。More water, in order to facilitate uric acid excretion.

而且卵磷脂能增强肝的排泄功能。And lecithin can enhance the excretion of liver function.

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吲哚美辛用来减少前列腺素的排泄。Indomethacin is used to decrease prostaglandin excretion.

有机硒排砷作用非常显著。Organic selenium affected excretion of arsenic obviously.

结论PQQ能降低铅中毒小鼠体内的铅含量。Conclusion PQQ could significantly increase lead excretion.

尿药排泄数据处理采用亏量法。The excretion data in urine were disposed by sigma minus method.

谁愿意控制不了自己身体尿液的排泄呢?Who would like not being able to control the excretion of her bodily fluids?

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用小鼠气道酚红排泄法和蛙上腭纤毛运动法观察枇杷膏的祛痰作用。Excretion function of the airway in mice was determined by phenol red method.

血淋巴中阳离子水平受阳离子外泌的控制。The haemolymph cation levels were held by controlled excretion of the cations.

氮平衡技术能够测量出氮摄取量与氮排泄量。The nitrogen balance technique measures nitrogen intake and nitrogen excretion.

单个剂量注射法,这可用于肾排泄率缓慢的试验物质。Single dose injection method is used for substances with slow renal excretion rate.

托吡酯还显著降低血压和尿蛋白排泄。Topiramate also significantly reduced blood pressure and urinary albumin excretion.

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主要表现为神经根痛和肢体运动、感觉及大小便功能障碍。Their complaints were nerve root pain and dysfunctions of motion, sense and excretion.

还研究了异烟肼、对氨基柳酸以及两者合用时对维生素B_6排泄的影响。The effects of INH, PAS and INH plus PAS on excretion of vitamin B_6 were also studied.

你看,一般获得紫胶虫排泄物的程序是非常简单的。You see, the process used to harvest the Kerria lacca excretion is a pretty simple one.