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他们有一个低位球星加内特。They have a low-post guy in Garnett.

对方有郞多、雷阿伦、皮尔斯和加内特。There's Rondo, Allen, Pierce and Garnett.

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鞋风格的波士顿的加内特。The shoe stylings of Boston's Kevin Garnett.

当加内特靠近他时,波什佯装跳投,加内特上当了。As Garnett approached him, Bosh faked a jump shot and Garnett bit hard.

诺阿作为一名年轻的篮球运动员,不仅卧室的墙上贴满了加内特的海报,喜欢穿加内特的球衣,在职业追求上也是向后者看齐。He looked up to Garnett as a young basketball player and starstruck kid.

凯尔特人方面,皮尔斯得到24分9个篮板,加内特则贡献16分。Pierce had 24 points and 9 rebounds for Boston and Kevin Garnett added 16.

凯尔特人凯文加内特只获得15张选票,2张第一选票,3张第二选票,10张第三选票。Boston's Kevin Garnett was a distant third, named on 15 ballots with 2-3-10.

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反正KG么,你知道他的立场。With K.G., though, you know where he stands. Give Kevin Garnett that, anyway.

加内特问,他假装包起一个DVD的塑料包装盒子就往外走。Garnett asked, fake-pocketing the plastic jewel box and walking out of the room.

奥利维拉射门时老是射偏。他自己也懊恼不已。Oliveira always Shepian when shooting. He himself regretting. Kevin Garnett jersey.

凯尔特人队在加时赛中击败尼克斯队107-105击中时,凯文加内特在两罚。The Celtics beat the Knicks 107-105 in overtime when Kevin Garnett hit a jumper at the buzzer.

在我写这篇文章的时候,我们已经做好了和加内特领衔的森林狼比赛的准备。As I write this, we are getting ready to play the Minnesota Timberwolves, led by Kevin Garnett.

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如果克里夫兰被淘汰,ESPN还会播放勒布朗和凯文。加内特拼脸的广告吗?Can ESPN still run those split-screen ads of LeBron and Kevin Garnett if the Cavaliers are out?

在第四节,他长驱直入,隔着加内特在篮筐上暴扣。In the fourth quarter he routinely posted up and burst past Kevin Garnett to finish at the rim.

诺阿还开玩笑说这个节日赛季加内特会上圣诞老人的淘气名单。Noah, adding a little humor, said Garnett will land on Santa’s naughty list this holiday season.

凯尔特人三人组的雷阿伦、皮尔斯和加内特能完全形成互补,位置上没有重叠。The Celtics' trio of Allen, Pierce and Garnett complement each other seamlessly without overlap.

他能里能外,能左能右,能上能下,就像在第四节的那次灌篮时加内特看到的那样。He’s inside-out, left-to-right and up-and-down, as Garnett found out on that fourth-quarter dunk.

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森林狼的球迷们感到愤怒,因为在泰勒看来,一个不合格的麦克海尔比加内特更为重要。Timberwolves fans should be furious that the incompetent McHale means more to Taylor than Garnett.

就像凯尔特人在赛季初描述的那样,加内特很高兴让队友得分。As a Celtic described it to me earlier in the season, Garnett is happy to let others do the scoring.

在同样的事情发生在凯尔特人时,缺少加内特的凯尔特人7胜2负。You know, the same one that was used against Garnett after the Celtics went 7-2 while he was injured.