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他是个有名的剑客。He is renowned swordsman.

他以所着的小说闻名。He is renowned for his novels.

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它是一所享誉全球的大学。It's renowned across the world.

他以肖像画家著名。He was renowned as a portrait painter.

马克白是苏格兰的名战将。Macbeth is a renowned Scottish warrior.

著名美术片导演、漫画家。Renowned art film director and cartoonist.

和田地毯一向很出名。Hetian has long been renowned for its carpets.

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她以其辩才和美貌着称。She was renowned for her eloquence and beauty.

难怪你是个那么有名望的诊断专家。No wonder you're such a renowned diagnostician.

四个著名作者中我最喜欢的是温瑞安。In four renowned authors I most like heat Rui-an.

他仍然是一个一生著名管风琴。He remained a renowned organist throughout his life.

著名烹饪专家简·伍尔文博士说。Said the renowned culinary expert, Dr. Jane Woolwin.

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著名经济学家吴敬琏先生就是这种看法。Mr. Wu Jinglian, a renowned economist, concurs with it.

她以肥美的海鲜和友好的人民闻名于世。It’s renowned for excellent seafood and friendly people.

东京的夏季因其酷热而闻名。SUMMERS in Tokyo are renowned for their diabolical heat.

晓东说,他想成为一位著名的律师,是很有名很有名的那种。Xiaodong told me that he wanted to be a renowned lawyer.

著名歌剧导演是著名导演弗朗哥在掌舵。Renowned opera director Franco Zeffirelli is at the helm.

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离开前,照一次它著名的金头特征。A parting shot of its world renowned Golden Head features.

李大钊具有丰富的法律思想。Li Dazhao is renowned for his varieties of legal thoughts.

由知名西班牙建筑师马西亚主持设计。Macias presided over by renowned Spanish architect design.