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十月份一个寒冷的夜晚,警察逮捕了几名醉汉,把他们绳之以法。On a cold October night, police arrest the inebriated and take them to jail.

父母为此对他们照顾有加,他们沈醉于溺爱之中。The parents look after to add to them for this, their is inebriated to spoil in.

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当“醉鬼”获救后,它在地上躺了一会,昏迷不醒。When the inebriated elk was freed, it lay for a while on the ground, seemingly unconscious.

一个纹身的、醉得不轻的朋克青年在找空座时撞倒了一位正在走路的老太太。A tattooed and very inebriated punk knocks over an elderly lady's walking frame as he staggers to find a free seat.

卡车上有一名酒醉的德国人,会说克罗地亚语,他在南斯拉夫旅行时因为德南战争爆发被误认为是间谍要被处死。One of the men on the bus was an inebriated German tourist who had been trapped in Belgrade since the invasion started.

他下令放出八大桶日本米酒,这种动物确定每个头的头等大事是将它灌醉。He ordered eight vats of sake to be put out, and the creature set each of its heads to the business of getting it inebriated.

这个格外正确,如果威胁多次被提到或病人在药物的影响下变得兴高采烈。This is especially true if the threats have been voiced repeatedly or the person is inebriated or under the influence of drugs.

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两人都醉得太厉害,只知把拳头打到对方身上,而不知防卫自己,不久他们身上便淌下血来。Both men were too inebriated to defend themselves but managed to land blows on each other. Before long they were both gushing blood.

由于格陵兰鲨鱼的肉中含有很强的神经毒素,在吃过几小时之后,狗看上去就像醉酒一样,并且站立困难。Hours after eating such a meal, dogs appear inebriated and have difficulty standing up thanks to the strong neurotoxins found in the shark's flesh.

护花使者晚上在纽约的酒吧、俱乐部和街道间巡逻,为了保护喝醉的女士们,以免让男人有了可乘之机。Terrifica patrols New York City's bars, clubs, and streets by night, in an effort to protect inebriated women in danger of being taken advantage of by men.

他手从睡衣后背伸入,轻轻地抚摸我的脊背,一阵酥软的迷醉氾来。The his hand carried on the back to stretch behind from the pajama go into, slightly dauted my back, a rupture of and soft fan inebriated to be suffused with.

在比赛最后几分钟时,一个显然喝醉酒的球迷在板凳席后拍了拍阿泰的背,并试图与他说话,阿泰很快的站了起来…Ron Artest stood up quickly when an apparently inebriated fan tapped him on the back and tried to talk to him from behind the bench in the final minutes of the game.

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去年11月,威斯康星州警方在巷子里发现一名醉酒的24岁男子,双手沾满鲜血。Last November, an inebriated 24-year-old with the woefully apt name of Kyle Drinkwine was found by police in the back of a Wisconsin alley, his hands covered in blood.

城市是一个众多欲望集合的载体,它有一种莫名的魔力吸引更多的人涌入,去寻求某种非凡的价值。The city is the aggregation of desires, and has a mystical allure that seduces the inflow of more people inebriated with the dream of realizing some extraordinary ideal.

奉献者在他的陪伴下也陶醉在纯粹的欢乐里面,以致没有时间质疑他到底是一个化身,一个完美的灵魂还是一个瑜伽士。The devotees would be so inebriated with pure joy in his company that they would have no time to ask themselves whether he was an Incarnation, a perfect soul, or a yogi.

只有欧盟这只天真的狮子还寄希望于把非法的行为合法化,但他们已被强权国家所侵入。The only global organization UN is a toothless lion that has been hijacked by those power inebriated countries who conceived it to legitimize their illegitimate actions.

我记得七十年代时,偶然听到饭馆里一个喝醉的老年商人告诉他的女伴,“美国工人的工资太高,没有前途。I remember overhearing an inebriated elderly businessman in a restaurant back in the 1970s telling a lady companion, “The American worker is too expensive and has no future.

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彭丽媛、朱明瑛、阿宝等中国著名艺术家和歌手以及埃及当红歌星穆罕默德·穆尼尔的表演令观众倾倒。The audience was inebriated by the performance of well-known Chinese artists and singers such as Peng Liyuan, Zhu Mingying and A Bao and Egyptian popular star Mohamed Mounir.

它让创建不同的群变得容易,因此不会让你的老板看到你的半裸和醉态熏熏的派对快照,同时它最多还能容纳十个人在一起视频聊天。It makes it easy to set up separate groups, thus sparing your boss from seeing your semi-clothed and inebriated party snaps. It also lets up to ten people hold a video chat together.

艺术家无论在虚构还是传记电影中总被描述得举止脱俗,拥有轰轰烈烈的罗曼史、和酗酒自毁的失控行为。Artists are often portrayed having idiosyncratic behaviors, torrid love affairs, uncontrollable acts of inebriated self-destruction, or all of the aforementioned, whether in fictional or biopic films.