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他不追求夸张的警句。He fashioned no stilted epigram.

我们再次见面时,就更加不自然了。When we do meet again, it's stilted.

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尼姆和阿黛丝拘谨地交谈了几句,没有别的。Nim and Ardythe had exchanged a few stilted words, but that was all.

我大多数的回忆只是拘谨的会面和不舒服的相处。Most of my memories were of stilted meetings and uncomfortable times together.

空中的栈道架在烤干的土地上,成排的船只在此搁浅。Stilted walkways stood on baked earth and rowing boats lay stranded on the ground.

细长的黑色金属柱支撑上层,赋予了它一个硬朗的外观。Slender black metal pillars support the upper storey, giving it a stilted appearance.

这些斗嘴的托尔斯泰们和他们夸张的表演真令人恼火。These squabbling Tolstoys and their stilted histrionics were conceited and exasperating.

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人们在稻田里劳作,和高脚竹屋一起构成了乡村的图画。People are working in the rice fields and stilted bamboo houses complete the rural scene.

阿棚屋步态,或任何步态是不能完全有效的和不懈的是要受到惩罚。A stilted gait, or any gait that is not completely efficient and tireless is to be penalized.

正是这种结构形成了松狮独特的短而呆板的步法。It is this structure which produces the characteristic short, stilted gait unique to the breed.

不克不及是踩高跷似的步调大概其他完整没有效力和容易委顿的步调。Should not move in a stilted gait or in any gait that is not completely efficient and tireless.

因此,采用高跷格栅可以大大降低超滤操作的能耗。Therefore, the energy of the operation of the ultra-filtration with stilted spacers can be saved greatly.

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直接阅读草稿的话保证能让你看起来不自然而且枯燥,而观众也会昏昏欲睡。Reading from a written script is guaranteed to make you look stilted and dry while putting your audience to sleep.

土家族吊脚楼是我国民居的一块瑰宝,它的木结构体系更是巧夺天工。Stilted Building of Tujia Nationality is a gem of Chinese residence and its timberwork system is further wonderful.

尽管他演讲时仍然矫揉造作,也很难点起听众的激情,大部分的选民还是很看重他的。And although he remains a stilted speaker who struggles to fire an audience’s emotions, most voters take him seriously.

这种拘谨的气氛对一个局外人来说很不舒服,但是这几位女士却对这种尴尬的场面毫不理会。The stilted atmosphere would strike outsiders as disconcertingly weird, but these women are oblivious to the awkwardness.

植物住宅萌发了生态家庭的概念,架空的住宅将一层空间解放出来,为未来的发展提供空间。Vegetated houses appeal to the budding eco-family, while stilted dwellings open up the ground floor for future expansion.

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富庶的湄公河谷地,一个老挝家庭正在他们用高杆撑起的茅草屋的阴影下休息。A laotian family rests in the shade of their stilted thatched roof hut in the fertile lowlands of the mekong river valley.

除了他的棚屋交货,这一次是一种微妙的反吸烟讯息是说他在他的黑客香烟。In addition to his stilted delivery, this time a subtle anti-smoking message is added by him hacking around his cigarette.

我们学术参观的第一站是武汉大学的历史系,当时留给我的是僵硬和紧张的气氛。Our first academic visit, to the History Department of Wuhan University, sticks in my mind for its very stilted and tense nature.