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我对全度妍前辈有很高的敬意。I have high respect for Jeon Do Yeon sonbaenim.

全度妍是韩国影坛著名的变色龙,她演各种角色都很投入。Jeon is known as a chameleon of Korean cinema, who fully inhabits her roles.

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全在姬警告说,南韩同种族的社会可能得靠外籍劳工才不至于灭顶。The homogeneous society may have to rely on foreign immigrant labour to stay afloat, Jeon warned.

热辣辣泡菜锅的汤里有猪肉、泡菜、豆腐还有韩国面条,刺激刺激。Kimchi- jeon -gol, is a spicy combination of pork, kimchi, tofu and Korean noodle in a rich kimchi soup.

韩国演员全度妍在国内接受法国最高电影艺术奖之一颁发的奖项。South Korean actress Jeon Do-yeon has received one of France's top art awards at a film festival in her home country.

游客还可在农园内的餐厅里品尝加入草药的拌饭、面饼等特色食物,其中用采自农园的鲜花作点缀的草药沙拉尤其美味!Bibimbap, steamed chicken and Jeon , and the popular, herb salad with freshly picked fresh flowers, are just some of the items on the menu.

「一旦敌人攻击我们,我们就有义务加倍奉还」,一名19岁的韩国学生"Once the enemy attacks us, it is our duty to respond even more strongly," said student Jeon Hyun-soo, 19. "The South Korean people want this."

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蔡奎全表示,他1998年曾来过合肥,这次故地重游发现合肥有了很大变化,城市干净整洁、面貌焕然一新。Mr. Kyoo Jeon Chae spoke highly of Hefei. He visited Hefei in 1998, but this time deeply impressed by a cleaner city with her brand-new outlook.

「一旦敌人攻击我们,我们就有义务加倍奉还」,一名19岁的韩国学生。"Once the enemy attacks us, it is our duty to respond even more strongly, " said student Jeon Hyun-soo, 19. "The South Korean people want this. "

1韩元等于100钱,钱是韩币的最小单位,不过钱在日常交易中并没有使用,它只出现在外汇汇率中。A single won is divided into 100 jeon, the monetary subunit. The jeon is no longer used for everyday transactions, and appears only in foreign exchange rates.

蔡奎全表示,他1998年曾来过合肥,这次故地重游发现合肥有了很大变化,城市干净整洁、面貌焕然一新。Mr. Kyoo Jeon Chae spoke highly of Hefei. He said he visited Hefei in 1998, and this time he found the city changed a lot, streets clean and landscape appealing.

费希尔久安的产品已用于长输管线和全国100多个城市的城市门站、区域调压站、工商业用户及民用燃气的输配。Now the fisher Jeon brand products have been widely applied in gas transmission, distribution, industrial, commercial and residential application in more the 100 cities in china.

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“这对我的工作好经验,”全度妍说,在一个非军事区,倒钩有线没有人的土地,划分了58年的朝鲜半岛和点票的教育之旅。"It's good experience for my job, " Jeon says during an educational tour of the Demilitarized Zone, the barb-wired no-man's land that has divided the Korean peninsula for 58 years and counting.