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他心不在焉地跟太太说话。He spoke to his wife absentmindedly.

她心不在焉地捲曲自己的头发。She was twirling her hair absentmindedly.

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那颓然绽放的年与月。Then the year and the month opend absentmindedly.

“什么?”他心不在焉得问。她没有回答。"What?" he asked, absentmindedly. She did not answer.

他心不在焉地东瞧西看,什么也没看见。He looked absentmindedly here and there only to see nothing.

“可能,”皮埃尔说,沮丧地看了看周围。"It may be, " said Pierre, looking absentmindedly about him.

我们已经同意在倦怠面对世界,一边心不在焉。We already agreed to face the world in languor, absentmindedly.

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他把整个苹果塞进嘴里,心不在焉地嚼着。He sticks an entire apple in his mouth and chews absentmindedly.

她心不在焉地玩弄着梳子粘附着的几根头发。She absentmindedly played with some hairs which clung to the comb.

她心不在焉地玩弄着梳子上粘附着的几根头发。She absentmindedly played with some hairs which clung to the comb.

我的女儿心不在焉地将她的球鞋拉在了我们家的厨房桌子上面。My daughter had absentmindedly left her sneakers on our kitchen table.

他吞下苹果,又往嘴里塞了一个,心不在焉地嚼着。He swallows, sticks another apple in his mouth and chews, again absentmindedly.

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瓦特鑫斯先生?他是谁?”阿尔夫心不在焉地问道,顺手拿起一本侦探小说。"Mr. Watkins? Who's that?" asked Alf absentmindedly picking up a detective story.

“嘿,爸爸。”我心不在焉地打了个招呼,并绕过查理,走上楼去。Hey, Dad, " I said absentmindedly as I ducked around Charlie, heading for the stairs."

利用有人因疏忽在离开时忘记退出登录而使用一个终端的行为。The act of exploiting a terminal which someone else has absentmindedly left logged on.

如果里面含有你不熟悉的物质成分,千万不要糊里糊涂地就吃肚子里了。If it has ingredients you are unfamiliar with, then you shouldn't eat it absentmindedly.

一个人做别的事情时打开收音机,心不在焉的沉浸在声音之中。One turns on the radio while doing something else and absentmindedly bathes in the sound.

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我们一面做着什么事,一面打开收音机,心不在焉地沉浸在乐声之中。One turns on the radio while doing something else and absentmindedly bathes in the sound.

我一直心不在焉地打开和关闭的最后5分钟我的手机屏幕上。I had been absentmindedly opening and shutting my cellphone screen for the last 5 minutes.

我也知道它们值多少钱——过了一小会儿我那客人一边跟我继续聊着,一边就随手拿了一个。I knew too—a little later, for my guest, going on with her conversation, absentmindedly took one.