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在那冰冷的无限面前跪叩to kneel before the cold immensity

无限的空间的中央就是我的大脑。And the center of immensity was my brain.

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海,就是无边的苦难。The sea is the immensity of wretchedness.

这支队伍面对这项浩大的工程犹豫了一个时期。For a time our team hesitated before the immensity of this task.

一院小小的园地供他盘桓,一片浩阔的天空供他神游。A little garden in which to walk, and immensity in which to dream.

几乎每个人都惊讶于美而且壮观的无限峡谷。Almost everyone was amazed at the beauty and immensity of the Grand Canyon.

人们只有站在山下,才能感觉和赞叹它的巨大。The immensity of the mountain can only be appreciated while standing under it.

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现在世界政坛开始聚焦她的丰功伟绩。Now the political world has begun to focus on the immensity of her achievement.

现在,国际政坛开始将目光聚集到她的巨大成就上来了。Now the political world has begun to focus on the immensity of her achievement.

我们跟随窄路的人知道外面许多的谎言。We who follow a narrow way with Christ, know the immensity of the lies out there.

几天后,它们会爬得你满身都是,你能从它们身上感受到生命的无限。In a few days they would be all over you, and you felt the immensity of life in them.

我认为,与死后那慢长的永生相比,人生是极其短暂的。I believe that life is infinitesimally brief in relation to the immensity of eternity.

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大自然中存在着无穷尽的不完整的现象,谁知道太阳是否盲目呢?There is incomplete immensity in nature. Who knows whether the sun is not a blind man?

比起上帝创造的广袤诸天,我们的挂虑实在是微不足道。When we try to imagine the immensity of God's heavens, our problems indeed seem trivial.

假如危机无限期的继续下去,国会批准的救助可能仅仅是一个短期修复。Given the immensity of the crisis, a Congress-approved bailout may be just a short-term fix.

图为巨大的洞穴空间和巨石杂陈的底部。This picture shows the immensity of the chamber and the complexity of the boulder strewn bottom.

所以我认为应当使,对于自然和宇宙认识,与自然和宇宙的广袤融为一体。So I think there's a combination of recognizing and the immensity of what is nature and the universe.

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摄影师们既展示了夜空的美,也揭露现今城市严重的光污染现象。Photographers showed either the beauty of the night sky or the immensity of light pollution from cities.

今夜,我的灵魂迷失在一棵傲立于飒飒风语的大树那静默的心中。My soul tonight loses itself in the silent heart of a tree standing alone among the whispers of immensity.

我想迩原本不应该加入我们的生活,但是你却还是不知天高地厚。I think you shouldn't have come into our lives, but you still do not know the immensity of heaven and earth.