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他是个非常多产的作家。He is a stupendously swift writer.

这就是一个了不起的重要时刻。This was a stupendously important moment.

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它去显示什么坏财宝管理工作可能特好地做。It goes to show what stupendously bad Treasury stewardship can do.

手机以惊人的速度迅速成为人际传播的主要媒介。Stupendously , mobile telephone has developed as the main medium of social transmitting.

相反,它是用计算机对心脏的运动进行的极为复杂的模拟,而且这个过程花了四十多年的时间才完成。It was, instead, the output of a stupendously complex computer model of a heart, developed over more than 40 years.

以中国国家发改委为代表所呈现出来的中国经济管理体制,让中国的汽车产业在过去一二十年间获得了十分巨大的发展。The Chinese 'system', as embodied in the NDRC, has worked stupendously well for the auto industry in China up to now.

上个世纪中,亚洲的巨变和崛起,谱写了亚洲发展的辉煌篇章,也成为人类社会进步的显著标志。Rising stupendously since the last century, Asia has written a glorious chapter for its own development, which is also a hallmark of human progress.

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上个世纪中,亚洲的巨变和崛起,谱写了亚洲发展的辉煌篇章,也成为人类社会进步的显著标志。Asia, rising stupendously in the middle o last century, has written a glorious chapter for its own development, which is also a hallmark of human progress.

我在纽约过了好得不得了的一年,现在感觉好像不了解你,也不知道该对你说什么,但事情是这样的。I've lived stupendously well in New York for a year, and now it's as if I didn't know you, and didn't know what to tell you, but it goes something like this.

为了将能量从Dyson-Harrop卫星送回地球“需要奇大无比的透镜,比如10公里到100公里范围的完美透镜。”To beam power from a Dyson-Harrop satellite to Earth, one "would require stupendously huge optics, such as a virtually perfect lens between maybe 10 to 100 kilometres across," he says.