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他看起来很害羞。He is so shy.

别害羞,你来?Don't be shy. Yes?

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乔什•蔡斯是个害羞的人。Josh Chiles is shy.

她很安静,也很怕羞。She is quiet and shy.

白灵熊是一种害羞的动物。Spirit bears are shy.

突然之间我们感到害臊。Suddenly we felt shy.

鹿是一种易受惊的动物。A deer is a shy animal.

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它们可能比较含羞。They can be pretty shy.

我特怵拍照。I'm horribly camera shy.

目如凤兮,羞似兔娇。You are shy as a rabbit.

害羞的玉梅不再害羞了。No more shy for Yoke Mei.

哎呀,我少带了一块钱。Oops! I'm one dollar shy.

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这小女孩怕羞。The little girl felt shy.

鸟自无言花自羞。Bird reticence, flower shy.

她见到陌生人就发憷。She feels shy of strangers.

安是一个害羞、安静的女孩。Ann is a shy and quiet girl.

胆怯的影星不敢正对摄影机。Shy film stars dodge cameras.

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什么场合让你害羞了?What situation makes you shy?

尤兰也觉得自己太过于羞涩了。Youlan also felt too shy the.

基范是一个腼腆寡言的男孩。Kibum is a shy and silent boy.