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你认为男性穿裙款可象徽男子气慨吗?。Do you think men wear skirt can symbolize masculinity?

男子气概可以通过很多方面来表现。Masculinity can be described in so many different ways.

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失去童子之身也是男性社会化的标准。And losing virginity is a societal benchmark for masculinity.

他们年龄大概在25到30来岁,似乎重新发现了自己的男子气概。He is 25-thirtysomething and appears to have re-found his masculinity.

男公关的男性气概是怎么样的?How do male sex workers practice their masculinity in contemporary China?

有些人也许会,但日本的阳刚形象仍然是不断变化的。Some of them may, but Japan's image of masculinity is nonetheless changing.

骑摩托车可以培养机智、勇敢、顽强的男子气。Motorcycle driving can train tree's tact , bravery and determines masculinity.

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方先生同意的建议,希望证明自己的阳刚之气。Fang agrees to the propose, wanting to prove his masculinity . Subsequently, Mr.

第一章讨论男主人公斯坦利身上所表现出来的强烈男性特征。Chapter One discusses the male protagonist Stanley Kowalski's strong masculinity.

对于男人味,中国男性的理解和西方男性有所不同。Moreover, “Chinese men have a different view of masculinity from that in the West.

对称性也与此相关,但有趣的是,研究小组发现男性气概与此无关。Symmetry was also linked – but, interestingly masculinity was not, the team found.

从历史的脉络看,男性气质的文化建构是多样的。Seen from historical venation, the cultural construction of masculinity is various.

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神无性别,但含有男性与女性特质。God includes masculinity and femininity within himself without having sexual gender.

通常是用来形容那些外表是女生但性格”纯爷们“的姑娘。Is usually used to describe the appearance is girl but character "masculinity" girl.

在一些选民眼里,民主党人同攻击男子气相联系。In some voters’ minds, Democrats are associated with an assault on masculinity itself.

确实曾有一段时期,堂-科利昂担心他小儿子的男子气。Indeed there had been a time when the Don had worried about his youngest son's masculinity.

也可以使用束发带之类的饰品来增加女生的柔美。And a touch of femininity, such as a bow headband can be added to tone down the masculinity.

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仅此一个趋势就足以让某些人宣称“男性危机”即将到来。This trend alone is enough for some to claim that a "crisis of masculinity" is on the horizon.

男子气概危机被认为在美籍非裔团体中尤其严重。The crisis of masculinity was portrayed as particularly sever within African American communities.

长期以来公众认为男性主义与女性主义是相互对立的两个极端。The general public have long regarded masculinity and feminity as opposite extremes of a continuum.