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他在一个附近的商场买了很多东西。He made a number of further purchases at a nearby emporium.

分析了商场部分全热交换器的应用效果。Analyses the operation effect of total heat exchangers applied to emporium area.

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建立了地下商场火灾风险评价的指标体系。This paper establishes the index system for the fire risk assessment of underground emporium.

同时,金融市场已经变成了一个光怪陆离的大商场,充斥着选择和低门槛的信贷产品。The financial marketplace, meanwhile, has become a dizzying emporium of choice and easy credit.

我啊?我用的口琴是国光牌,在中科时尚数码城买的,28孔的.。It is a 28 hole harmonica of GuoGuang, which was bought from the Zhongke Fashion Digital Emporium.

由于地下商场火灾时非线性强、风险大,目前国内没有明确的地下商场火灾风险评价模型。Currently there hasn't explicit fire risk assessment model for underground emporium fires in China.

任何分类过程都有其逻辑问题,就如天朝分类法那般牵强。As farfetched as the Celestial Emporium system is, any classification process has its logical problems.

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改革开放以前,北京最大的商店就是王府井百货大楼。Before the economic reforms, Beijing's largest department store was the Wangfujing Hundred Goods Emporium.

像在任何其他的工作商场,商场的突缘区创业就业同样很难穿孔。Like in any other job mall the emporium of nosing jobs in the zone of Venture is equally hard to perforate.

并在南非约翰内斯堡商业中心开有数家建筑装饰材料、窗帘及床上用品商城。Meanwhile the company set up many bedding, curtain and timbering shopping malls in emporium of Johannesburg.

在我练习成为一名食物挑剔者的这些年来,我从来没有发现任何人会在一间昂贵的食品商场里面使用一张优惠券。In all my years as a practicing food snob, I've never seen anybody whip out a coupon at a pricey food emporium.

第一,华成商场自上而下整体服务体系的改进,有效保障提供给顾客最完美的服务。First the superincumbent improvement of serving system in wasin emporium can guarantee the best services effectively.

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第一,华成商场自上而下整体服务体系的改进,有效保障提供给顾客最完美的服务。First, the superincumbent improvement of serving system in Wasin emporium can guarantee the best services effectively.

地下商场的火灾风险评价能有效地预防和控制火灾事故的发生。It is very important to carry out fire risk assessment on underground emporium to prevent and control fire efficiently.

现在的勐海,新开张的六层大百货商场十分冷清,它原本为数以百计的商家而建。Here in Menghai, the newly opened six-story emporium built to house hundreds of buyers and bundlers is a very lonely place.

结论自然就是,我们都该到埃德二手巨型怪物卡车公司和巨型卡车商场去买车了。If you took this to its logical conclusion, of course, we’d all be doing our car buying at Ed’s Used Monster Truck and Big Rig Emporium.

在春节的这段时间里,走在唐山的各大商场里面都能看到各种包装的蜂蜜麻糖。During this period of time on the Spring Festival, walking can see various honey sesame candies packed inside every emporium of Tangshan.

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这座粉红色主题,六层楼的商贸中心是为了在这名著名的玩具在西方销量下降的情况下吸引中国的消费者。The pink-theme, six-floor emporium was launched in a drive to attract Chinese consumers at a time when the famous doll faced declining sales in the West.

除了处理存货之外,我还希望你准备好一些必要的文件,把每个商店的所有权都过户全正在替我经营这些商店的人。Besides disposing of our inventory , I wish you to prepare the necessary documents which will transfer the ownership of every emporium to him who now manages each for me.

本文通过对某地下商场空气品质的测试及问卷调查,得出该商场存在着温度过高、新风量不足等问题。We've measured air quality and taken a questionnaire in an underground emporium and found that the temperature was a little high and the fresh air volume was shortage, etc.