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用芫荽或欧芹和樱桃装饰。Garnish with coriander and cherry.

胡荽和胡荽叶是同一种香料。Coriander and cilantro are the same spice.

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装盘,撒上切碎的香菜,做装饰。Serve garnished with chopped coriander leaf.

熟了以后,再加入剩馀的胡荽菜。Once cooked, add the remainder of the coriander.

我的泰式烧鸡块需要碎芫荽。My Thai chicken recipe calls for ground coriander.

芫茜切碎,部分拌入豆腐中。Chop up the coriander and mix some of it in the tofu.

他们教给我们很多关于蘑菇和胡荽的小窍门。They teach us many tricks with mushrooms and coriander.

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这道鸡配上了芫荽和红辣椒。The chicken was garnished with coriander and red chilli.

这吗哪彷佛芫荽子,又好像珍珠。The manna was like coriander seed and looked like resin.

这种甜酒的主要味道来自芫荽。Goldwasser derives its predominant flavor from coriander.

把猪肉混合物捏成8个肉饼,放上榄角及芫荽。Shape pork mixture into 8 patties . Top with preserved olives and coriander.

胡荽性质温和,不含有害物质,味道独特,近似混合了柠檬和鼠尾草的味道。Coriander has a mild, distinctive taste similar to a blend of lemon and sage.

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瓶装香菜心酱菜,香味浓郁,脆爽可口,是方便。The pickled vegetable of bottled coriander heart is convenient and high quality.

加入玉米淀粉,鱼酱,打散的鸡蛋,和芫荽叶,咖喱酱和辣椒末。Add the cornflour, fish sauce, beaten egg, coriander leaves, curry paste and chillies.

香菜蜜,海报上特别用大字印刷出来,可以提高男子性功能。And coriander honey, the poster announces in extra-large print, increases male potency.

把鸡蛋切开放在肉上面,再加上切好的胡萝卜,大蒜和香菜来装饰一下。Cut eggs and put them on meat, add cut carrot, garlic, decorate with sill or coriander.

干炒孜然和芫荽籽,然后用杵和臼磨成碎末。Dry fry the cumin and coriander seeds, then grind them into a powder using a pestle and mortar.

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动物的初步研究也支持了胡荽的另一传统用法——用于抗焦虑症。Preliminary studies in animals support another traditional use for coriander — as an antianxiety herb.

当然了,你还必须放盐“厨子说着他给了他一些盐,然后又加了豌豆,薄荷,香菜。However, you must put salt it. " Cook said she have to give him some salt, then add the peas, mint, coriander."

这菜嫩时,香菜味好浓,让我妈吃了好几次鱼,就为了能在鱼背上撒上一把香菜。My mum specially cooked fish several times just because she could dress the fish with a bunch of new green coriander.