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中国人民不可欺,不可辱。The Chinese people brook no indignity or insult.

再也无需雨打日晒地乞讨,再也没有侮辱。No more begging in the intense sun and rain, and no more indignity.

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我再三地忍受到侮辱,告诉他们我现在和我的双亲一起生活。I repeatedly have to suffer the indignity of telling people that I live with my parents.

因此,每年都批评这些次要的令人感到侮辱的苦涩的义务职责似乎看起来很不尽人意。So it might seem churlish to pick on the minor annual indignity of obligation chocolate.

最后,巴特勒-斯洛斯不要陪审团的建议被最高法院的3名法官否决。She suffered the indignity of her decision being overturned by three senior High Court judges.

谁会心甘情愿地去接受米德尔顿夫人和詹宁斯太太一类女人的赞许呀?Who would submit to the indignity of being approved by such a woman as Lady Middleton and Mrs.

停滞的工业使工人失业、蒙受痛苦并失去了个人尊严。Idle industries have cast workers into unemployment, causing human misery and personal indignity.

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对于我们东欧人来说,最具压制性和最难忍受的侮辱来自一堵剥夺权利之墙For us in Eastern Europe, perhaps the most oppressive and difficult indignity was the wall of denials

连楚霸王都跪下来求饶了,京戏能不亡吗?But now even the King of Chu is on his knees begging for mercy, can Peking opera survive this indignity?

亚里士多德认为愤慨在如下的状况下是美德,即在人们被不公正地对待时感到愤慨。Aristotle discusses indignity as a virtue in the sense that he thinks we should be upset if people do well undeservedly.

不论这对夫妇是否曾对他们的宾客这样坦陈心迹,对于他们来说,波尔加的提议几乎等同于羞辱。But there was also, whether they spoke this aloud to their guest or not, the sheer indignity of what Polgar was proposing.

当申请参加在西方国家举办的学会时,他们同样还要面临护照申请被拒的羞辱。They also face the indignity of often having their visa applications refused when they try to attend conferences in the West.

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我要你血淋淋的头颅挂在我的墙上,这样我每个小时都可以看到我的耻辱。I shall have your head with dropping blood, hang on my walls so that I can appreciate an example of indignity once every hour.

不过他没有外壳,所以3PO只得生活在“赤裸”的羞耻之中,他的零件和线路都露着。It lacked an outer shell, though, and Threepio had to live with the indignity of being "naked, " with his parts and wiring showing.

“我不喜欢的是他们被剥得只剩下内裤。”,他这样说是因为他认为像这样的羞辱是对伊斯兰教法的侮辱。"What I didn't like was that they were stripped to their underwear, " he said, an indignity that he considered an affront to Islamic law.

或许对于美国政府来说,真正的侮辱在于正当美国竭力构思着怎样跟其最大的债权人打一场贸易之战时,中国却已经赢得了货币战争。Perhaps the real indignity for Washington is that, as it ponders a trade war with its biggest creditor, China is winning the currency war.

“叶太太,”尊重是相互的,辈份大,不代表可以肆无忌惮的侮辱晚辈。"Mrs. leaf, " respect is mutual, the generation is huge, Adidas Porsche Design, not representative can reckless indignity younger generation.

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一个长期以保守见称的银行如今却受到这种侮辱,对于UBS的资金率的担心也就逐渐出现了。In a particular indignity for a bank long associated with conservatism, concerns about the level of UBS's capital ratio had even started to surface.

嗅觉灵敏的投资者们显然已经等不及股市的回升,大批资金正在回流到美元区和日元区。Investors were clearly wait for smell-sensitive stock market rebound, a large number of funds are returning to the exquisite indignity and the yen zone.

尾先,正是因为其特地的意义,那怀跻园林成为一个贵重的文明遗产,代表了侮辱我们的国家。Firstly, it was because of its special meaning that this imperial garden became a precious cultural heritage which stands for the indignity of our nation.