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扣押一个负债人的工资…Garnishee a debtor 's wages.

负债者是债主的奴隶。A debtor is a slave to his creditor.

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在销售合同中,此债务人为卖方。That debtor in a sales contract is the Seller.

我争论说债务人很可能处在双重困境中。I debated that the debtor was doubtless in double troubles.

债务人或者第三人可以提供一定的财产作为抵押物。The debtor or a third party may offer a specific property as a pledge.

如果作为债务人的政府那样处理债务那是它希望那样做。If the debtor government services such debt, it is because it wishes to.

第二条反担保人可以是债务人,也可以是债务人之外的其他人。Article 2 Counter-security provider may be the debtor or some other party.

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连带债务人履行了债务后,对其他债务人有求偿权。The debtor who performed the debt has the right of claim to other debtors.

刘女士在律师的指导下,给债务人打去电话称借条丢了。Ms. Liu under the guidance of lawyers, to the debtor to call that IOU lost.

银行与储户的关系主要是债务人和债权人的关系。Primarily, the banker-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor.

优先偿付由破产负债人给予一个或多个债权人的优先偿付…A priority of payment given to one or more creditors by an insolvent debtor.

其财产被按揭抵押的债务人被称为抵押人。The debtor whose property is subject to the mortgage is called the mortgagor.

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相比之下,美国现在,与过去一样,是全世界最大的债务国。By contrast, America is now, as it was then, the world’s biggest debtor nation.

债务人转移义务应依法办理有关手续。If the debtor assigns its obligations, it shall go through relevant procedures.

换句话说,如果债务人最终不能结清债务,银行将代其履行债务责任。In other words , if the debtor fails to settle a debt , the bank will cover it.

“你若是把我那点火焰摇灭了,我可要永远感谢你了。”他说。You had made me eternally your debtor had you shaken out the flame, " he said."

根据通行法则,更低的信用评级对债务国意味着更高的借贷成本。As a rule, a lower credit rating means higher borrowing costs for debtor nations.

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比利为索债在珀门前静坐绝食三天,欠债人库珀才露面。Billy had been fasting against Cooper for three days before the debtor showed up.

破产法庭还允许持产负债人拒签或取消合同。The court may also permit the debtor in possession to reject and cancel contracts.

他们是否忘记了“大桌子”是“中国制造”?美国才是世界上最大的负债者。They forget today that "Table" is "Made in China" US is world's largest net debtor.