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有一种双重性。There's a duality there.

人类具有二元性There's a duality of people.

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这是一种人为制造的双重性。That is an artificial duality.

二元性不适合软弱无力的心。Duality is not for thefainted heart.

解决了对偶空间问题。We solve the problem of duality spaces.

成绩有两重性,错误也有两重性。Achievement has duality , also mistake do.

机器体系的两重性与商品经济。The duality of machinery and commodity economy.

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波粒二象性应用于光子上。Wave particle duality had been applied to photons.

如何描述光的波粒二象性?How to describe the wave-particle duality of light?

里面有很多的东西,有二元性的情感。There was a lot going on there-a duality of emotions.

追求揭示了现代大学的二重性。The pursuit reveals the duality of the modern college.

光子和电子都表现为外观上的“二象性”。Both photons and electrons show an apparent " duality ".

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二元性中的物质系统是一个有着特定目的的幻象。The physical system in duality is a purposeful illusion.

文中也探讨了多端元件的对偶。The duality of multi terminal elements are also discussed.

前哨战开始了,地球变成了二元性的地方。Skirmishes took place, and Earth became a place of duality.

使用价值的两重性指的是有用性和稀少性。The duality of use value refers to its usefulness and rarity.

集中的灌溉补给,在黄土层中形成二元非饱和渗流。The unsaturated irrigation supply has duality in yellow soil.

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双轨制也使法院的选择成为一个复杂的问题。Duality also makes the choice of forum a complicated question.

我觉得肇事者在某一层面同时也是受害者。I think there is always a duality of a victim within the instigator.

它与雌雄同体的概念不同,是一个完全的二元性。It is not unlike the idea of androgyny , which is a duality complete.