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而且此三件幡的任何一件,布的织边在画的下端。Finally, all three of these banners show a selvedge on the lower end.

描述了由瑞士贝宁格公司开发的丝光处理中布边增厚的解决方案。The solutions of selvedge thickening during mercerizing developed by Benniger AG are described.

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柳林鹪鹩躲在河岸边黑幽幽的树林里,唱着清脆的小曲。The Willow-Wren was twittering his thin little song, hidden himself in the dark selvedge of the river bank.

为降低成本提高牛仔布的外观形象,使产品上一个档次,对牛仔布布边及废边工艺进行改进。In order to reduce cost, improve jean's appearance, it reforms technics of jean's selvedge and waste selvedge.

买方边字须于货物生产前详细告知工厂并征得工厂的同意。Buyers' wording for selvedge stamping should be made known to the mills in detail for their approval before production.

文章对在片梭织机上如何处理好布边的问题作了一些理论上的探讨,并介绍了一些经验。The paper introduces how to design a good selvedge on gripper-projectile looms in theory and offers the experience for reference.

片梭织机上的布边通常采用钩边形式,但钩边形式使布边的纬密增大,厚度也增加,造成布边与布身不相适应,给生产造成困难。It is usually use crochet form for weaving selvedge on gripper-projectile looms, but it leads to weft density double and thickness increased.

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分析有梭织机毛边产生的原因,提出改进措施和改进方法,指出解决疑难疵点的方向。It analyses some device reason of rough selvedge on shuttle loom. It points out how to solve such defects and technical measures and work methods.

分析了剑杆织机边部织疵产生的主要原因,并提出了消除边部织疵的具体方法。This article analyzed the main causes for weaving selvedge defects on rapier weaving machine and supplied some effective methods to eliminate them.

本机主要适用于多层光边织物的织造,特别适用于织造4层6-8级煤矿井下及码头阻燃输送带整体带芯。This machine is mainly applicable to weave multi-layer true selvedge fabrics, especially to weave 4 layers grade 6-8 integral core for fire retardant conveyor used in the coal mine or at the wharf.

它通过拉链材料的熔断实现拉链的切断,不会产生刀具切断的起毛、散边现象,同时噪音也很小。The utility model realizes zipper cutting through the fusing of zipper material, and cutting fluffiness of knife tool and puffed selvedge phenomenon can not happen, and simultaneously noise is small.