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你认识马克么?Do you know Mark?

我盯他们的中锋。I mark the center.

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什么类型的标记?What kind of mark?

马克·劳文报道。Mark Lowen reports.

马克约会瑞秋。Mark asks Rachel out.

给词标沉音。Mark the word stress.

马克谨呈最诚挚的祝福。Best wishes from Mark.

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它是生活烙下的印痕。It is the mark of life.

马克·若斯诺维奇关心。Mark Russinovich cared.

马克·达根是怎么死的?How did Mark Duggan die?

马克听到了什么?。P80 What Does Mark Hear?

在地图上标上你的记号!Put your mark on the map!

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他那一拳没打中目标。His punch missed the mark.

马克,把这个看做是一个礼物。Look at this as a gift Mark.

这篇散文不合标准。The essay is below the mark.

我是金永哲,是韩国人。This is Mark Kim from Korea.

写信来给我文洁,或是马可。Write to Wen-Jie or me Mark.

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但是马克还是不够谨慎。But Mark was not so cautious.

他开枪射击却没击中目标。He fired but missed the mark.

他的回答正好击中要害。His answer just hit the mark.