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那场荷马式的大战立刻在全城镇里传开了。The story of that Homeric fight got all around town.

那荷马史诗的主角们是怎么用战车的呢Well, what do the Homeric heroes do with their chariots?

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荷马史诗中的英雄也是这样吗But we said the same thing about the Homeric heroes,didn't we?

在荷马的史诗里,这些希腊部落操一种共同的语言。In the Homeric poems these Greek tribes speak one common language.

甚至在荷马诗篇中,我们也还可以看出,这些观念只是暂时的。Even in the Homeric poems, we can see that these ideas are transient.

希腊末世反映在荷马诗歌仍然处于较低的水平。Greek eschatology as reflected in the Homeric poems remains at a low level.

这是必然的,并且其中一些答案是很荷马式的It's inevitable that people should, and part of the answer is very Homeric.

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而荷马史诗之于希腊人,就如同圣经之于我们一般。And the Homeric epics were of course for the Greeks what the Bible was for us.

她是中没有提到或伊利亚特奥德赛虽然充满神奇的是在荷马时代。She is not mentioned in the Iliad or Odyssey though magic was rife in Homeric times.

特洛伊是一个考古遗址的名称,荷马史诗特洛伊传统的位置。Troy is the name of an archaeological site, the traditional location of Homeric Troy.

国王、长老会和人民大会构成了荷马时代政治制度的基本框架。Kings, the council and the assembly formed the backbone of the Homeric political system.

荷马英雄,尽是无知且激情的男性,满腔的盲目、忿怒与渴望报仇。The Homeric heroes are ignorant and passionate men full of blind anger and desire for retribution.

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“比爱利亚”这个词最早在希腊文中有“肥”的意思,意指“肥沃的土地”。The name Pieria has been connected to the Homeric meaning "fat", which metaphorically refers to "fertile land".

荷马史诗最初在颂诗人之间口头流传,但在荷马时代可能就已经有写本了。Homeric epics were transmitted orally among the rhapsodes. However, they had been written down probably in Homer's age.

在关于荷马时代政治制度特点的争论中,人民大会的作用备受关注。Much attention was paid to the roles of the assembly in the discussion of the characters of the Homeric political system.

在阅读了罗马角斗士和荷马史诗之后,我觉得我该有个关于自己的伟大探险故事。After reading about Roman gladiators and epic Homeric characters, I decided that I wanted to have a great story of my own.

新型的苏格拉底式公民,姑且这么称呼,这种新型的苏格拉底式公民,可能有些特征还是和旧时的荷马战士很像。The new Socratic citizen let's call him that for a moment the new Socratic citizen may have some features in common with the older Homeric warrior.

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新型的苏格拉底式公民,姑且这么称呼,这种新型的苏格拉底式公民,可能有些特征还是和旧时的荷马战士很像。The new Socratic citizen let's call him that for a moment the new Socratic citizen may have some features in common with the older Homeric warrior.

在可能性和相似性上,基督上帝的存在和荷马式诸神的存在其程度是完全一致的。There is exactly the same degree of possibility and likelihood of the existence of the Christian God as there is of the existence of the Homeric God.

而他建议改革诗学,尤其是荷马诗学,清楚地代表着彻底地背离,希腊教育实作与信念。And his proposals for the reform of poetry, especially Homeric poetry, represent clearlya radical departure from Greek educational practices and beliefs.