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用于评估过程管理器。For the assessor process manager.

他一向是个公正的、不偏不倚的税额审查员。He had been a fair and even-handed assessor.

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对于干预措施,是否对研究分析者采取盲法?F. Was the outcome assessor blinded to the intervention?

该评估员还发现了年长者能贡献什么。The assessor also finds out what a senior can contribute.

用业务规则选择进行评估的评估员。Use the business rules to select the assessor to perform the assessment.

房地产估价人员,包括房地产估价师和房地产评估员。Property valuation, including real estate valuers and real estate assessor.

有省、市两级职业资格考评员近30名。There are provincial and municipal vocational qualification assessor nearly 30.

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估价人认定他用警惕把被抛弃的甜点心插入沙漠中。The assessor asserts that he inserted the deserted desserts in the desert with alert.

估价人认定他警惕地把被抛弃的甜点心插入沙漠中�…The assessor asserts that he inserted the deserted desserts in the desert with alert.

在选择外部索赔评估人员及其后续操作中有代价高昂的延迟。There are costly delays in the selection and follow up by an external claims assessor.

例如,当自动过程不能找到可用的评估员时怎么办?For example, what happens when the automated process cannot find an available assessor?

我国的保险公估业经过十多年的发展,已经逐渐发展起来。China's insurance assessor industry after ten years of development has gradually developed.

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估定员说,火灾损失并不像旅馆老板在索赔中所述的那样严重。The assessor stated that the fire damage was not as severe as the hotel's owner had claimed.

作为民事诉讼中新创设的制度,专家辅助人制度仍需进一步的完善。As a new system in civil litigation, the system of expert assessor needs to be further perfected.

当估价员过来告诉他说他没有办理火灾险时,他的脸色唰地一下变白了。When the assessor came in to tell him that he didn't have fire insurance, the young man went white.

具有律师、注册资产评估师、国有企业法律顾问等执业资格。Acquiring the license of lawyer , registered asset assessor , legal counsel of state-owned enterprise.

然后使用我们提供的工作评估工具来辨识你的个人优先事物及评估任何工作中的优点和缺点。Then use our Job Assessor tool to identify your personal priorities and rate the pros and cons of any job.

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这是通过将新的自动化功能作为一个自包含的解决方案处理而实现的。This has been achieved by treating the new assessor automation functions as a new self-contained solution.

法国的参审制是对移植于英国的陪审团制进行改造后的结果。French Assessor System is the result coming from the reform of the transplanted July System of Great Britain.

评估工作应由合资格的第三方评估机构或合资格的内部评估人员负责进行。The assessment shall be performed by a qualified Third-Party Assessment Entity or a qualified In-House Assessor.