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小王向东走去。Soapy walked eastward.

大江东去。Eastward flows the Changjiang River.

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说,你开朝东的窗户。And he said, Open the window eastward.

男孩出了学校向东走去。The boy went out of school and wandered eastward.

秦始皇是向东作战统一中国的。The first emperor fought eastward to unify China.

现在,欧洲已经东扩至乌拉尔山脉。Now that Europe extends eastward toward the Urals.

岩体形态简单,西宽东窄。The rock body is in a simple shape narrowing eastward.

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在我观看景色时,太阳己经西下,于是我又转身向东眺望。The sun went down as I watched, and I turned eastward.

两个因素可以放缓山松甲虫东进的步伐。Two factors could help slow the beetle's eastward progress.

巴黎著名的罗浮宫将向东面扩建。The famous Louvre Museum in Paris is about to expand eastward.

索丕向东穿过一条正在翻修的大街。Soapy walked eastward through a street damaged by improvements.

在地图上可以看出湖水向东和向南奔泻。From the map, one can see water spilling eastward and southward.

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北约东扩对俄罗斯对外政策的冲击。The impact of NATO enlargement eastward on Russia's foreign policy.

随着浪潮东涌,自由国度的曲线逐渐明朗。You can easily trace the curve of freedom as the surge moves eastward.

马驼商旅﹐东达咸阳。The caravans of horses and camels came eastward through it to Xianyang3.

风吹得沙丘向东推进,越过哈尔湖和附近的山区。Winds push the sand dunes eastward past Har Nuur and the nearby mountains.

从给定的几点来看,向南的那条路径比向东那条更陡些。From some given point, a Southward path may be steeper than an Eastward path.

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过时自合飘零去,耻向东君更乞怜。Out of date from the combination of wandering to, shame more eastward Jun beg.

六月赤道信风相反的方向从西到东。In June the equatorial trade winds reversed direction from westward to eastward.

但是由于地球自西向东的旋转,所以这种方法并不适合于经度的计算。But since the earth spins always eastward that trick doesn’t work with longitude.