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采用和成熟模型。Adoption and maturity models.

什么是成熟度级别?What are the Maturity Levels?

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成熟是早中稻。Maturity is early to mid-season.

而这种成熟,会受用终身。Such maturity will benefit life.

什么是服务成熟度模型?What is the Service Maturity Model?

这就是年龄和成熟带给人的诠悟。This is where age and maturity enter.

一代新人在茁壮成长。A new generation is reaching maturity.

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而且我们想要速食的精神成熟。And we want instant spiritual maturity.

正等待成熟和春的眼睛。Be waiting for maturity and spring eye.

存款到期时可以转期续存吗?Can I renew the certificate at maturity?

她成熟中交支着孩子。It hand over to pay a kid in her maturity.

这种程度的成熟得之不易。This level of maturity does not come easy.

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你的成熟概念还真是奇葩。Your concept of maturity is pretty strange.

他表现出了超越他年龄的成熟。He is showing a maturity which belies his age.

林的成熟可能会导致他成为神职人员。Lin's maturity could lead him to the ministry.

这个比率跟项目的成熟度有关么?Do the ratios evolve with the project maturity?

在农历五、六月是黄皮成熟的季节。Lunar 5, June is the season of yellow maturity.

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它的成熟的和可接受的变更是什么?What is its maturity and receptivity to change?

我还很敬佩姚明的成熟与谦逊。I also admired Yao for his maturity and modesty.

他们达到性成熟仅仅需要20年至30年。They reach sexual maturity only at age 20 to 30.