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博客上的内容也会构成诽谤罪。The laws of libel apply to blogs too.

如果那全是真的,有什么诽谤可言?If all that is true, what libel is there?

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反诽谤法被认为太宽大了。The law on libel is considered too lenient.

该网站对茅先生发起了控告,控告其犯有颠覆罪和诽谤罪。Utopia accuses Mr Mao of subversion and libel.

当然,事实真相是对诽谤指控的终极反驳。Truth, of course, is an absolute defense to libel.

因医院错误诊断病情而在Facebook上诋毁医院Libel a hospital when they misdiagnose your illness

诽谤的想法不会存在,也不应该存在。The concept of libel does not exist, nor should it.

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这等同于淫秽,仇恨犯罪和诽谤。It is the same with obscenity, hate crime and libel.

它们是许可证,税收和煽动性诽谤。They were licensing, taxation , and seditious libel.

诋毁人格、造谣中伤、文字诽谤等罪名。Charges of defamation of character slander and libel.

这女人就指控犯诽谤罪受法官审判。The woman appeared before the judge on a charge of libel.

他被指控卷入2007年的一起诽谤案。He was accused of involvement with the libel case in 2007.

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案情代表了反诽谤法的新动向。The case represents a new development in the law of libel.

她是这个折磨,诽谤和性骚扰的一个典型的受害者。She was a typical victim of harassments, libel and sex abuse.

逸宁质问志全,诽谤叶朗的那篇文章是否由他发出。Escape ning query log, libel Ye Lang that article is made by him.

这家报纸被罚以五十万英镑的诽谤损害赔偿金。The paper got clobbered with libel damages of half a million pounds.

在许多国家,政府检察官可以提起刑事诽谤诉讼。In many countries, a state prosecutor can bring a criminal libel suit.

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毕竟,诽谤要求一项陈述须具有必备的要素。After all, libel requires a statement as one of its essential elements.

你知道发起诽谤罪的诉讼要花多少时间么?Do you know how long it takes a company to file a lawsuit against libel?

若是有钱人家,而报纸刊登的文章又确是恶意中伤,那么他可以诽谤罪向法院起诉。If they are rich and the article is defamatory , they can sue for libel.