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并问了她很多问题。She was a prolific correspondent.

科学记者,理查·德格雷.By Richard Gray, Science Correspondent.

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正如记者彼得斯坦德林报告As correspondent Peter Standring reports

我们的记者从德黑兰发回报道。Our correspondent in Tehran Lyse Doucet.

本刊记者认为这纯粹是胡扯。Your correspondent thinks this is poppycock.

请看我们的洛杉矶通讯员彼得波尔斯。Watching was our LA correspondent Peter Bowes.

商业记者西奥·莱格特报道。Here's our business correspondent Theo Leggett.

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或者是你阿姨代你写的?。Was your aunt the correspondent on your behalf?

驻莫斯科记者丹尼尔·桑福德报道。Our Moscow correspondent Daniel Sandford reports.

下面是来自罗兰德在东京的报道。From Tokyo, here's our correspondent Roland Buerk.

现播送一篇本台教育专栏记者的报道。Here is a report from our education correspondent.

BBC驻首尔记者约翰萨德沃思发来的报道。The BBC's correspondent in Seoul is John Sudworth.

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这位记者从香港发出了他的电讯稿。The correspondent sent his dispatch from Hong Kong.

加油工和厨子又重新操起了桨。The oiler or the correspondent took the oars again.

美国之音驻白宫记者司各特斯通报道。VOA White House correspondent Scotts Stone reports.

来自国际事务记者理查德加佩的报道。Our World Affairs correspondent Richard Galpin reports.

国务院记者吉姆·加塔斯报道。Our state department correspondent Kim Ghattas reports.

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以下资料是我们的记者收集整理的。The information below was compiled by our correspondent.

本报在纽约驻有一位资深通讯记者。Our newspaper has an old-timey correspondent in New York.

BBC的网球记者约翰森·欧维恩为我们带来详细报道。More from the BBC's tennis correspondent Jonathan Overend.