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那是他的第一个任期吗?His first term?

长远来说行不通。Not in the long term.

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这是一个英国的术语。This is a British term.

你听说过这招了?You ' ve heard the term.

我觉得这个词挺贴切的。I think this term is apt.

间隙“是个很有趣的说法。It's an interesting term.

每个部分有个中心词。Each part has a core term.

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那是另一个词。That was a different term.

至少在短期内情况是如此。At least in the short term.

至少在短期内可能如此。At least, in the near term.

我们将会经常遇到这个概念You'll see that term a lot.

所以这是一个排斥场。So that is a repulsive term.

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这是更普通的一种写法。That's the more common term.

宝贝是一种亲密的称呼。Baby is a term of endearment.

但是此诗人并无这样一个语词。But the poet has no one term.

新高中物理科词汇。NSS Physics Curriculum's term.

其技术术语是VO2-max。The technical term is VO2-max.

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这里用的是钓鱼语汇。This refers to a fishing term.

甚至这一名词如今都已过时.Even the term now sounds passé.

是的,第一天开始工作。His first term. Very first day.