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那些医院简直就是惟利是图。It is invidious profiteering those hospitals.

聪明的老师避免作出让学生厌恶的规定。Wise teachers avoid invidious rules against the students.

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经历与财富相比,在会引起不满的社会比较中被削弱的快乐更少。They're undermined much less by invidious social comparisons.

蓝色的毕哥每天总是做一堆把桃红油条惹火的事。Mr. BIG always do something invidious to make pink strip feel angry.

他们不敢进行比较,从而短路令人反感的社会比较。They dare not to compare, thus short-circuiting invidious social comparisons.

同时,对各个阶段的批评文本特征作了概括性地描述。Meanwhile, a general description of the characteristics of essays invidious stages.

如此对比或许有些不公平,而且也不应对贝南克现在的决策产生影响。Such comparisons can also be invidious , and shouldn't influence what Mr. Bernanke does now.

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危机时刻,他们不对弗吉尼亚男儿作令人反感的区分。In the hour of danger, they have drawn no invidious distinctions between the sons of Virginia.

惟利是图的人反应了韩国就是一个惟利是图的国家!Invidious profiteering of people reflects the invidious profiteering of South Korea is a country!

与这些精英们招人怨恨的业绩相比,卡斯特罗在冷战期间过分的改造不禁黯然失色。The excesses of Castro's apparatchiks during the cold war pale in comparison to the invidious exploits of the Boligarchs.

他心目中的美国,饱受恐惧折磨,一心复仇,将不得人心的选择强加于世界,也强加于自身。His vision was of a country racked with fear and bent on vengeance, one that imposed invidious choices on the world and on itself.

小杨同学穿着令人嫉妒的GUCCI名牌衣服,我们都很嫉妒他时尚的服装。但后来发现是贴了GUCCI商标的冒牌货。Frank wears invidious GUCCI clothes and we are envious of his fashionable dress. But later we find out they are only fake ones with GUCCI label.

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“是的,莫里斯,”姑娘说,她以她仅有的想象力,沉浸在这个幸福的真理之中。这点似乎不会招人怨恨。"Yes, Morris, " said the girl, with her imagination-what there was of it-swimming in this happy truth, which seemed, after all, invidious to no one.

普林斯顿大学的保罗。克鲁曼最近声称,美国当代日益扩大的收入差距宣告了恶性不公平的新时代的开始。Paul Krugman, of Princeton University, has recently argued that contemporary America's widening income gap is ushering in a new age of invidious inequalities.

带入经历来考虑让我们更满足于我们已经拥有的,防止我们陷入那些致使消费文化如此不满足的惹人厌烦的比较。By thinking experientially we can make more of what we already have and ward off the invidious comparisons that can make the treadmill of consumer culture so unsatisfying.

也许是空气的性质从沉闷到轻松的变化,也许是她觉得已经到了没有人用恶意的眼光看待她的新地方,于是她的精神奇妙地振作起来。Either the change in the quality of the air from heavy to light, or the sense of being amid new scenes where there were no invidious eyes upon her, sent up her spirits wonderfully.

由于阶级矛盾发生在邻居、朋友和家人之间,弗朗茨小说中的这种意识更加激起人们的怨恨而且令人不安。The sense of class conflict that ripples through Mr. Franzen’s novel is all the more invidious and unsettling because nearly all of it takes place among neighbors, friends and family members.

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这是令人惊讶的遭遇老之间的对立和设计功能设计在一个有如此巧妙地拆除了一个又一个这样令人反感的二元论的论文结束的意思。It is surprising to encounter the old dichotomy between engineered function and designed meaning at the end of a treatise that has so skillfully dismantled one such invidious dualism after another.