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一只鸟儿从我的内心深处飞向天空。Out of my deeper heart, a bird rose and flew skywards.

一只鸟儿从我内心飞向天空。它越飞越大。Out of my heart a bird flew skywards. And it waxed larger as it flew.

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我站在酒店门外抬头仰望楼顶,马上开始有些许想要呕吐的感觉。Standing outside the hotel, craning my head skywards to its apex, I began to feel faintly nauseous.

我站在酒店门外抬头仰望楼顶,马上开始有些许想要呕吐的感觉。Standing outside the hotel, craning my head skywards to its apex, I began to feel faintly nauseous.

精神如栖身于悬崖边的海鸟,在等候冲天而飞的时刻。Spirit is like the seabird perching on the verge of the cliff, waiting for the moment to fly skywards.

在左近的一座山,他能看到烟从烟囱里渐渐地飘向天空的家族的家。On a nearby hill, he could see smoke waving slowly skywards form the chimney of the Nelson family home.

在一个附近的小山上,他能看到尼森家里的烟从烟囱里慢慢地飘向空中。On a nearby hill, he could see smoke waving slowly skywards from the chimney of the Nelson family home.

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今晨,上万民众注视天空,观看近三年来首次月全食。Millions of people gazed skywards this morning to see the first total lunar eclipse for nearly three years.

在美国赌城的心脏地带,七座高高耸立银光闪闪的大楼已接近竣工。Bursting skywards in the middle of America's gambling capital, seven glittering towers are nearing completion.

视频中显示,摄影师正朝着街角跑去,而另外两名路人则驻足仰望天空。In the footage, the cameraman runs towards the corner of the street where two other men are standing, gazing skywards.

建筑师为上层的房间设置高窗,可以将视线导向天空,有效保护了住户的隐私。The privacy of the inhabitants is maintained in the upper level rooms by high windows, which direct the view skywards.

本周,在普通民众的紧张关注中,在他们对发射后不久是否会坠毁的担心中,中国的“嫦娥一号”一飞冲天。Chinese vessel this week soared skywards amid nervousness from ordinary folk that it could soon come crashing down to earth.

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在她的家庭里,她有着令人窒息的影响力一她的自尊心永远需要关注,就像向日葵急切地向着天空而转动。She was a repressive influence on her family—her ego in need of constant attention, like a sunflower turned thirstily skywards.

中国人经常将强大的激光射向天空,展示其使间谍卫星暂时失明或永久性失明的潜力。The Chinese routinely turn powerful lasers skywards , demonstrating their potential to dazzle or permanently blind spy satellites.

她分别做出腿部伸展运动,并且用掌把腿给抬起来冲向天空,然后把两只腿都抬起,做出“V”的姿势。She stretched each leg separately, pulling them skywards with her large paw, before lifting both at the same time to create a V-shape.

肯尼亚仍在恢复从2007-2009年大规模的旱灾,粮食价格发送耸,削弱了其他强大的经济。Kenya is still recovering from a massive drought from 2007-2009, which sent food prices skywards and weakened the otherwise robust economy.

这种理念已经远远的传播到地球的另一个角落北京,它迅速的应用于北京的民用建筑中,在那里高层民用建筑群正在迅速的掘起。That the word has spread to far-flung corners of the earth is apparent from their high-rise residential blocks for Peking that are now beginning to climb skywards.

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一些豪华的旅馆都设有空调非常舒适的包房,房子装饰龙飞凤舞,雕刻精制,并配有一排排维多利亚时代的住房。Some New Luxury hotels have soared skywards and a fair number of Victorian houses have been combined to form private hotels of standards from the comfortable to the repellent.

这样的举动可谓非同小可,如被采用,将令本已处于困境的美元雪上加霜,使美国借款成本一飞冲天,并导致那些在经济衰退中苦苦挣扎地区的货币升值.Such moves would be immense, sinking the already battered dollar, kicking U.S. borrowing costs skywards and driving up currencies in regions struggling to get out of recession.

人们常常会无意识的模仿周围其他人的行为,比方说,如果有人打了一个呵欠,那么看着他的人也会跟着打呵欠,如果有人抬头望着天空,那么从他身边经过的人也会做同样的动作。People unconsciously copy the gestures of those around them. For example, a yawn will induce yawning in an observer, and a person looking skywards encourages passers-by to do the same.