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你知道的,妖怪。You know, a hobgoblin.

如果你非得给我取名,就叫我小妖精吧。If you must give me a name, call me hobgoblin.

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这个就是为什么红魔一直用他的那身行头。That could be why Hobgoblin is still using his outfit.

令人讨厌的小人物身上有着愚蠢的一致性。A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.

换生灵变成了小孩,小孩变成了换生灵。The hobgoblin becomes the child, and the child becomes a hobgoblin.

没有妖怪出现,只有一只黑猫企图横穿马路。No hobgoblin appeared, although a black cat did try to cross my path.

在这种情况下,一致性确实就是思维不周者的失误。This is one case where consistency really is the hobgoblin of little minds.

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卡梅伦回送给奥巴马一瓶他所在的选区产的一种叫做“淘气鬼”的啤酒。Cameron reciprocated with a brew local to his Witney constituency called Hobgoblin.

我来对付后面那只。那是只会后悔举弓的大哥布林。I'll get the one in the back. That's one hobgoblin who'll regret ever lifting a bow.

愚蠢的一如既往是些头脑简单的小妖怪,只有那些幼稚的政治家,哲学家和神学家才会去崇拜他。A foolish considtency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesman and philosophers and divines.

愚蠢的一致性是人类思想里的妖怪,被那些小政客,哲学家和传教者所尊崇。A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.

愚蠢地坚持随波逐流是心胸狭窄的表现,只被低级的政客,哲学家和神学家所崇拜。A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.

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愚蠢的执着如一可能让人觉得类似搞怪的小丑,但明智的执着如一对于充实头脑开发心智往往是必不可少的。A foolish consistency may be the hobgoblin of little minds, but a wise consistency is often essential to enlarging the mind.

古代的大地精王朝已经成为横跨科瓦雷的一系列遗迹,而丧钟甲虫就栖息于部分遗迹所在之处。The ancient hobgoblin dynasty lives on as a series of ruins across Khorvaire, and knell beetles inhabit several of these sites.