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血管迷走性晕厥机制复杂。The mechanism of vasovagal syncope is complex.

血管迷走神经性晕厥出现的先兆症状和体征有哪些?。What premonitory signs and symptoms may exist for vasovagal syncope ?

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目的评价血管迷走性晕厥患者的压力反射器功能。Objectives To study the baroreflex function in patients with vasovagal syncope.

目的探讨一氧化氮和内皮型一氧化氮合成酶与儿童血管迷走性晕厥发病的关系。Objective To investigate the roles of nitric oxide and eNOS in the pathogenesis of vasovagal syncope.

目的探讨直立倾斜试验对血管迷走性晕厥的临床诊断与应用价值。Objective To study the clinical diagnosis and applied valuation of head upright tilt testing on vasovagal syncope.

体格检查没有发现与血管迷走神经性晕厥相关的特异体征。There are no pathognomonic signs from the physical examination which are specifically related to vasovagal syncope.

结论以循环系统症状为主而无客观证据的患者可能是一种特殊类型的血管迷走性晕厥。Conclusion The patients who have many circulation symptoms but do not have objective evidences may be a particular type of syncope vasovagal.

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萨尔科齐因血管迷走性晕厥,这是一种神经条件的衰竭和脱水可导致失血过多的压力,法新社报道。Mr Sarkozy had suffered vasovagal syncope, a nerve condition in which exhaustion and dehydration can lead to a loss of blood pressure, the AFP news agency reported.

失败的主要原因包括卵圆孔穿刺失误,迷走神经反应,无扳机点和普鲁卡因测试不能达到完全不痛。The major failure causes included puncture muff, severe vasovagal reactions, the absence of a distinct trigger zone and incomplete analgesia after the procaine test.

萨尔科齐因血管迷走性晕厥,这是一种神经条件的衰竭和脱水可导致失血过多的压力,法新社报道。Mr Sarkozy had suffered vasovagal syncope, a nerve condition in which exhaustion and dehydration can lead to a loss of blood pressure, hospitalised, the AFP news agency reported.

结论表明血管迷走性晕厥患者压力反射功能减退,可能与自主神经受损,压力反射器敏感性下降有关。Conclusion This data shows that there is impaired baroreflex function in patients with vasovagal syncope, and this may be associated with reduced baroreceptor sensitivity and autonomic dysfunction.