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与之相比,大叙利亚更像是一盘散沙。But Greater Syria is more of a hodgepodge.

但是这种展览也容易做成大杂烩。But this kind of exhibition is easyly to be made into hodgepodge.

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原大杂烩版块,现将水区重新分区了!Hodgepodge of the original pages, now re-zoning of the water area!

目前这种杂乱的体系,会让几乎所有接触到它的人都有失身份。The hodgepodge system we have now demeans nearly all those who touch it.

多年来,大杂烩般的种子银行网已累积了大量的种子和芽的收藏库。For years, a hodgepodge network of seed banks has been amassing seed and shoot collections.

因为原数据五花八门,信息图表展示的统计结果难免给人些许大杂烩的感觉。Infographics are always a bit of a hodgepodge of statistics culled from a variety of sources.

我看的电视很杂,影视剧,新闻类的节目看得比较多。I see a hodgepodge of television, film and television drama, news type of program than our more.

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这是一个多姿多彩的住所,阳光充沛,点缀着各种古色古香的东西和她自己的作品。It is a colorful, sunny space, decorated with a hodgepodge of vintage finds and her own creations.

在英法风情的融合下,这个地方是蜜月旅行的绝佳地点。It is a hodgepodge of France and Britain and is really a wonderful place to choose for the honeymoon.

今天,网络应用程序正在使用来自各方面的服务大杂烩以获取运行所需信息。Applications use a hodgepodge of services from multiple different providers to get the information they need.

多年来,很多庞杂的种子库网络一直以随意的方式收集种子和苗芽。For years, a hodgepodge network of seed banks has been amassing seed and shoot collections in a haphazard manner.

目前这种杂乱的体系,会让几乎所有接触到它的人都有失身份。是时候拆毁重来了。The hodgepodge system we have now demeans nearly all those who touch it. It is time to tear it down and start again.

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直到最近为止,联邦教育部对于这些五花八门的旷课统计方法没有做出任何规定。Until recently, the Department of Education could do nothing about this hodgepodge of methods for counting dropouts.

面具,砚台,符号以及乌鸦标本使这件作品比双年展本身更具诡异的连贯性。Qiu's hodgepodge of masks, ink stones, keys and stuffed ravens achieves more quirky coherence than the Biennale itself.

当着综艺大杂烩猜猜的面,奶奶再次回绝他要谈话的请求,硬要把钱塞给猜猜。In the presence of variety hodgepodge guess face, grandma again rejected him to talk request, extortionary promote the money plug to guess.

共和党众议员潘斯称该法案是“无非是另一个最后一分钟,向众人说明他们在做事儿”。Republican Representative Mike Pence called the bill "another last-minute, patched-up-together, hodgepodge to say they're working on jobs."

你最后一段话让它很清楚的告诉我,本雅明的工作是基本上一个大杂烩,从康德的批判理性一直到更新的理论。Your last paragraph made it very clear to me that Benjamin's work is basically a hodgepodge from Kantian rationality through to more updated theories.

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再加上青濛濛的火光,照射在五颜六色的须发、衣物上,炫化出奇异的幻彩,显得无比的诡谲。The bluish touch light flashing on the hodgepodge of hair and clothes created a strange phantasmagoria of color, making the cave seem incomparably unique.

新加坡的医疗体系不仅仅是一个各种医疗政策的大杂烩,可惜新加坡本身只是一个仅有30家医院的城市国家。Singapore is an extraordinary hodgepodge of health care principles, but it's also a city-state whose health care system is comprised of fewer than 30 hospitals.

几乎所有页面都已经解除锁定,麻痹怒气维基又成为了所有人都可以编辑的洛奇百科全书,就像从前一样。Almost all pages have been unlocked, MabiWiki has again become the Mabinogi Encyclopedia that any player can edit, just like when it was established by YY Hodgepodge.