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他们的本性中有某种无法名状的需要。There is some indefinable want in their make-up.

我相信,这一切都是因为试图定义无法定义的事物。It all comes, I believe, from trying to define the indefinable.

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他俩昏昏沉沉地承受着这种非物质的快感的无限重压。Both bore languidly the indefinable burden of immaterial pleasures.

纽约像其他大城市一样,有它自己不可言状的氛围。Like all great cities, New York has an indefinable aura all its own.

经理人的角色本身具有普遍性,多变难测,模糊难以界定。The role of the manager is inherentlygeneral, variable, and indefinable.

某些神秘的,难以确切描述的特性令这样的人卓尔不群。Some mysterious, indefinable characteristic sets him apart from all other men.

事实也定义了性行为,无论男士还是女士,都是是复杂和莫名的。The factors that define sexuality, both male and female, remain complex and indefinable.

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成功的品牌今天需要有一些特别的,几乎难以东西。Successful brands for today need to have something special, something almost indefinable.

与其他数百万人一样,我也被给予了一种难以名状的感觉——这个地方是神圣的。Like many millions of other people, I am left with an indefinable sense that this place is sacred.

她没有去想他们可能聊些什么,她只感觉到她必须当心一点,因为赫斯渥对她有一种说不清的吸引力。She only felt that she must be careful, and that Hurstwood had an indefinable fascination for her.

有一种莫名的神秘力量,贯穿于一切,我能感觉到它虽然我不能看到它。There is an indefinable mysterious power that pervades everything, I feel it though I do not see it.

尽管她还有想去抵抗的冲动,但是她也承认,一切已经恢复了正常。Though she had an indefinable urge to protest, she admitted that things had indeed returned to normal.

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她们浸香了我的童年,并使我和乡村一直保持着贴心的距离与莫名的暗恋。They immersed into my childhood life and made me keep the close distance and indefinable secret love to the country.

有种说不清的说不清的东西袭击着我,我突然想到甚至连流浪的资格都没有了,而失声痛哭。A kind of something indefinable hit me, I suddenly thought of even stray and am not qualified, while the tears poured.

这两个所谓情人的梦游病患者便是这样过活的。Both bore languidly the indefinable burden of immaterial pleasures. Thus lived these somnambulists who are called lovers.

但是这种冷酷,可怕的公式方法评估两个人的“兼容性”,却无法获得牵动浪漫情缘不可名状的火花。But this cold, drearily functional approach to assessing compatibility fails to capture the indefinable spark that triggers romance.

蒙大拿州的米苏拉就是这类城镇中的一个,但它有某种难以说明的精神,能将它和其他城镇区分开来。Missoula, Montana, is one of these towns, but it possesses some indefinable spirit that keeps it from being confused with any other.

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表达的方式、说话的语气、音调的转换、遣词造句以及某种难以言表的东西会让他们与众不同。The mode of expression, the tone and modulation of the voice, the choice of words, and certain other indefinable things distinguish him.

表达的方式、音调的转换、遣词造句以及某种难以言表的东西会让他们与众不同。The mode of expression_r, the tone and modulation of the voice, the choice of words, and certain other indefinable things distinguish him.

“中国当代艺术”在海外和本土正在被各种热情、欲望塑造着,但始终是不可捉摸、不可定义。Chinese contemporary art' is being formed and constructed by various enthusiasm and desires in China and overseas, but it is after all impalpable and indefinable.