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加1茶匙伏特加可以延长保存期限。To increase its life add 1 teaspoon vodka.

加一茶匙柠檬皮到汤里增添风味。Add one teaspoon of lemon zest to the soup.

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吃一勺亚麻籽粉。Sprinkle on a teaspoon of ground flaxseeds.

1大汤匙或是1茶匙中国绍兴黄酒teaspoon Chinese Shaoxing cooking rice wine

如果愿意,也可以加一茶匙的白兰地。If desired, add a teaspoon of apple brandy, too.

他舀起第三勺,要给丹妮丝。He fills a third teaspoon and offers it to Denise.

请帮我在汤里放一茶匙的盐。Please help me put a teaspoon of salt in the soup.

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在雪果中加一茶匙香草精。Add a teaspoon of vanilla extract to the milk shake.

用茶匙铲煤是荒缪可笑的。It will be preposterous to shovel coal with a teaspoon.

很多女人射出了很少的量,大约一汤匙。Many women ejaculate a smaller amount, around a teaspoon.

在上面撒上剩余的芝麻油。Drizzle the remaining teaspoon of sesame oil over the top.

将橙皮擦出大约一茶匙的细末待用。Finely grate about a teaspoon of orange zest and put aside.

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您可以用它来吸干比萨饼中一茶匙的脂肪。You can use it to blot a teaspoon of fat off a pizza slice.

干性皮肤专用面膜用1茶匙水将1茶匙黄油调和好。Dry Skin Mask Mix 1 teaspoon of butter in 1 teaspoon of water.

只要切去其头部,用勺子舀出中间的可食部分就可以了。Just slice the top off and scoop out bitefuls with a teaspoon.

取小碗将剩下的那个蛋与1茶勺水混合打匀。In small bowl, whisk together remaining egg and 1 teaspoon water.

加一匙醋在凝乳中,先放置一至两个小时。Add a teaspoon of vinegar to the curds. Leave for one to two hours.

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同时,将酸奶油,1汤匙香草香精和一杯糖混合。Meanwhile, combine sour cream, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 cup sugar.

最好在一杯8盎司的水中放半勺盐。Half a teaspoon of salt in an 8-ounce glass of water is recommended.

在浇头中加入剩下的1茶勺洋李汁和1茶勺醋。Add remaining 1 tablespoon prune juice and 1 teaspoon vinegar to pan.