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用同步辐射光电子能谱研究了相衍变过程。Phase evolution was studied by the synchrotron radiation photoemission technique.

这里还是有肉眼发现不了的信息,我们只能通过'经过同步加速的眼睛‘看到这些非常珍贵的部分。We can only see these really quite valuable pieces of data with the synchrotron eye.

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并介绍了我国同步辐射X线光刻的发展情况。The development of Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Lithography in our country is also introduced.

设计要求从同步光中尽可能不失真地分离出可见光。The design aims at extracting the visible light from synchrotron radiation without distortion.

该同步加速器在费米实验室建造,首例病人于1990年接受治疗。The synchrotron accelerator was built at Fermilab and the first patients were treated in 1990.

同步粒子加速器有助于揭示世上最稀有的一些化石。Synchrotron particle accelerators are helping shed light on some of the world's rarest fossils.

去年春天,在一台同步粒子加速器的帮助下,科学家们创造出一幅三亿年前大脑的三维图像。Last spring, a synchrotron helped scientists create a 3-D image of a 300 million year-old brain.

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本文给出该效应中同步射电谱与康普顿紫外-X射线谱的一系列相关性。A series of definit relations between the synchrotron and compton spectrum are given in this paper.

目的采用同步辐射X线相衬成像技术进行兔股骨头软骨组织缺损的观察。Objective To observe the micro defect of rabbit femoral head with phase-contrast imaging with synchrotron X-ray.

详细地阐述了荧光和透射XAFS实验方法在凝聚态物质局域结构研究中的应用。Fluorescence and transmission XAFS measurements by high brilliance synchrotron radiation were described in detail.

本博士论文聚焦同步辐射技术应用于古陶瓷研究的领域。Which also can be an example for applies of the synchrotron radiation technology in other archaeological materials.

采用同步辐射小角X射线散射研究了PAN原丝制备过程中纤维孔结构的演变。The pore structure changes of the PAN fibers were characterized by synchrotron radiation small angle X-ray scattering.

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其快速的变异表明,存在通过一个同步加速过程发挥作用的超相对论电子,它们是X-射线的可能来源。The rapid variability points to ultrarelativistic electrons acting via a synchrotron process as the probable X-ray source.

目的探讨同步辐射相位对比X线成像技术进行小鼠肝血管成像的试验研究。Objective To investigate the mouse liver blood vessel images using phase contrast X-ray imaging with synchrotron radiation.

射线晶体分析曾经是一项少数人专属的「家庭工业」,必须要具有同步加速器的X射线光源才行。X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY was once something of a cottage industry and required access to the x-ray beam line of a synchrotron.

碳化硅具有的一系列优异特性使得它成为制备同步辐射镜子的理想材料。A series of excellent properties of Silicon Carbide make it an ideal mirror material for synchrotron radiation applications.

将这种具有频率带通特性的全通域网络运用于同步加速器高频腔体,就形成了一种新型同步加速器无调谐高频腔体。With the utilization of this all-pass network, a new type of tuning-free RF acceleration cavity is obtained for synchrotron.

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同步辐射光源的尺寸、散角和中心亮度是装置的重要参数。The size, angle spad and the brightness of the center of the synchrotron radiation light sources are very important to the users.

挡光元件在设计时除了需要考虑结构的强度外,还需要考虑在频繁阻挡同步辐射时带来的热机械疲劳问题。The strength of the structure and the thermo-mechanical fatigue in frequently blocking synchrotron irradiation are both important.

该样机在瑞士苏黎世附近的瑞士光源同步加速器研究中心进行了测试,测试样本是比人类头发还细的老鼠股骨断片。The prototype was tested at the Swiss Light Source synchrotron near Zurich, using a mouse femur fragment narrower than a human hair.