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嗬,我的鸟!My bird.

结果发现是鸟屎。It was bird shit.

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这是我的宠物鸟。It's my pet bird.

那只鸟飞了下来。Down came the bird.

狐狸,小鸟和雪。Fox, bird and snow.

他是一个鸟类管理员。He's a bird keeper.

鸟儿能飞得高。A bird can fly high.

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一只鸟儿被他看见了。A bird was in sight.

像鸟一样动听。As songful as a bird.

在下一次鸟类审判中。At next bird assizes.

她甚至可能会养一只宠物鸟。She might a pet bird.

它就是一只鸟。A bird is a bird. Mmh.

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一只小小鸟。A little, little bird.

他把那只鸟射死了。He shot the bird dead.

我如果是一只鸟就好了!If only I were a bird.

鸟妈妈飞下去。Mother bird goes down.

这只鸟那样大。The bird was that big.

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我看到一只鸟在笼子。I saw a bird in a cage.

又是那只鸟。It was that bird again.

参赛者追踪雀鸟踪迹。On the trail of a bird.